At Metroplex I took 3rd Overall and 1st Age group. Then at the Dam Time Trial I took 2nd Overall and 1st Age group. At Metroplex I missed second by about 15 seconds, and missed first by about 40 seconds to my good friend Tyler. He's a runner and I knew good and well the whole time that if I didnt get enough time on him that he'd kill me on the run. In the week leading up to it I told myself no matter what happens just hang on the run. I came out of the water in 1st overall. I headed out on the bike and didnt notice Tyler till the turnaround. I knew he'd probably just hang back knowing good and well that he could dominate me on the run. I then decided if he was going to hang I'd make him work for it so I really pushed the pace. For the 11mile bike we avgeraged 25.7mph. I pushed just a bit before T2 so that I could open up a small gap. Coming out of T2 I just jogged until he caught me cause there was no use in using up all that energy knowing he would catch me. As soon as he pulled up next to me I went w/ him stride for stride. I stayed w/ him for about a half mile and that was it. Of course looking back I should have pushed through and just dealt with it. Definitly something ill need to work on before Kona.

Heres the link to my race report for Metroplex. METROPLEX SPRINT TRIATHLON.
If you want to check out all the photos from race day just CLICK HERE!
The time trial went well also. There were only about 50 cyclists out there but the competition was solid. I completed the 8 mile out and back course in 17:57 averaging 26.8mph. Let me say this.. I dont think I've ever dug that deep. That hurt like a 5K. My friend Aaron took some good photos and Ill post those as soon as he posts them. Ill also try to write some sort of race report.
In other news I've started honestly contemplating the Houston Marathon on January 18th of next year. I really do want to Boston qualify, and I finally feel like I'm capable. The thing about that race is that if I'm going to do it I need to register SOON. I thinking what I'd do is race Kona on October 11th. Take an entire week OFF then train lightly through the end of the month. Then in November start stepping it up again. I can only hope that Kona will be some AWESOME base for running. I'm going to think it over for a bit and see how I feel in a few days. NO rash decisions :)
Other than that I've been ridiculously busy with summer classes and training. My build for Kona has begun. Im going three good build weeks here before a one week taper for Lake Stevens 70.3. Id REALLY like to go sub 4:30 with a sub 30min swim. Sub 2:30 bike. Sub 1:30 half mary. I think all are possible... of course the 1:30 half being the most difficult. None the less I'm looking forward to traveling again.
I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe! Thanks for all the kind words and support!
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