Friday, July 15, 2011

The Lake 60K Pre Race Prep!

Well I've been getting in some great running and averaging right now around 55-60 miles a week or 230 ish miles a month. Nothing to crazy, but I'm slowly working my way toward my larger weeks as I build for the Arkansas Traveller 100.

I found the perfect race series down in the hill country of Texas called the Capt Karl's Endurance Series. Each race consists of a 60K run starting at 7pm. Not only is it going to be great training starting at 7pm but it should still be nice and hot which I am MORE than accustom to!

This was taken last week just before I headed out for a trail 10 miler. I have an atomic clock in my garage that reads inside and outside temperatures, so it's unbelievably nice knowing exactly how warm it is when I start my runs.

I'm taking it pretty easy this week with nothing longer than 15 miles and that was on Monday. I'm throwing in another 5.5 and 6 miler then the 60K on Saturday night. In terms of goals I'd LOVE to place top 5 overall if not top 3. I'm not going to throw out a time goal just cause I've never seen the terrain down there and have yet to find any kind of elevation chart :)

I ordered a new pair of MT101s that I thought would be in, just in time for the race but it looks like the only size that's back ordered right now is an 11.5! Figures. Looks like I'm gonna be running in my old MT100s that are literally torn to shreds Saturday. I'm also gonna take my road running Newtons just in case. I figure after the first lap (oh yea, the course is 6 10K loops) I'll switch to the Newtons if the terrain isn't too gnarly.

In other news I did a little revamping to the blog and switched out the title photo at the top (Photo credit to Larry & Olga!). My old one was of Alii drive in Kona, Hawaii from my 2008 race in the Ironman World Champs. Now that I'm so much more into ultra running (and the only tri I've done all year was a double iron) It's more appropriate to have a photo of something that involves what i do now. Plus it was taken on the Hardrock 100 course (obviously) which is my all time ultra running goal!

Something else I've been thinking about is trying some video reviews instead of written reviews! I figure that way I can actually show you guys stuff that I'm talking about instead of trying to describe it. I don't know, we'll see what the next thing I grab is and maybe I'll review it via video :)

Alrighty, I'm outta here. Next post will hopefully be The Lake 60K race report! HERE'S the race website in case you want to check it out! And now I leave you with a classic... of my generation at least.

Oh yea, I also forgot that I've been carbo-loading for the race as well! Haha



  1. Hate to break it to you, but it's NOT on the Hardrock course. It does overlook a Cunningham gulch, the place for the first AS. This picture is of Hematite lake. Not many visit this place when come to run Hardrock, they prefer to go to the course itself. Larry and I hiked up there, since it's only 2 miles out of Silverton. So, do we get a credit for the photo? :)

  2. Oops, that was Olga, blogger locks me out of about half the comments. Have fun at The Lakes, we'll be at the next in serioes!

  3. Olga! Of course you guys get credit :) See ya'll @ the Falls
