Thursday, March 8, 2012

Just bad runs...

I did my usual routine. 

I sat the GPS watch outside to aquire a signal while I laced up my shoes on the patio. The weather was textbook for a great run. Not a cloud in the sky.

Grabbing the watch I saw it was acquired and ready to go. I jumped the gate and checked out the Plano post-work commute insanity going up and down Midway road. Within a mile I'd be at the trailhead and out of this traffic.

As I stepped off the curb into a running stride I knew it. 

This was gonna be a bad run

It's amazing how after years of running now, I've come to a point where after the first few steps of a run I can tell what kind of run it's going to be. 

Last Friday I went out with the intention of running 10 trail miles at a nice comfortable clip, while enjoying the incredible north Texas weather. It was a beautiful day to be running. 

Unfortunately it just wasn't meant to be. I ran to my local trail and after 2 miles or so I was throwing myself a pity party. I was working way too hard for the pace I was running, and it just seemed like my body was screaming at me to walk. The thought kept creeping back into my head. 

"Just walk for a little bit...."

I was determined to keep going, and to make this run a great run. I tried pushing through it. I tried the whole mind over matter thing, but it just wasn't happening. I started walking back home.

I succumbed to my mind and made a bee line for the trailhead. I waded through creeks, jumped a fence, and climbed over deadfall. I began the slow walk home and made sure not to stop my watch. I wanted to watch the pace slowly creep up.

The average pace was over 12/mile. I'd gone from a sub 9 trail pace to over 12 walking home. Oddly enough, I was totally fine with this. 

I'd realized this run wasn't ever supposed to happen. However much I'd wanted it to, it just wasn't my day. Looking back now I'm not sure if I mentally just wasn't into it, if maybe I hadn't slept enough, if maybe I hadn't eaten enough, etc. I could try to list all the excuses in the world, but it just boils down to the fact that it was a crappy run, and one that wasn't going to do anything for me in the long run. 

I continued walking home and enjoyed the sights that north Texas provides in early March. 

I ended up running the last half mile or so home. 

At that point I just wanted to sit down on the couch and do what I call, "Veg". Do nothing. I just wanted to watch TV and eat. 

The next morning I went out for what I call a "redemption run". I decided to do 13.1 miles on the roads around Plano after work so I started running Saturday around 6AM. 

Sure enough from the first step I knew. It was going to be a good run. I did 13.1 miles at a pleasant 7:47 pace and had a great morning. I realized yesterday didn't mean I was a crappy runner. 

If you have a bad run, don't get down on yourself. It's totally OK to have a crap run every once in awhile. It just shows us we're not invincible, and that our bodies need some rest when they ask for it. If you can tell you're about to have a crap run, don't be afraid to bag it and save that energy for another run. 

In other news I've got some exciting news coming up here soon, but won't be able to post for a few weeks. As soon as I can I will! 

Last week I did end up getting around 55 miles without any pain. I didn't get to run Nueces 50K due to some work conflicts, but am still happy with the mileage I got in. 

This week I'm hoping to get 60 miles, but I'm going to play it smart and listen to my body. I've got plans this year and want to make sure I'm ready when they get here. 

Lastly, the local trail run I started every Wednesday is still be held every Wednesday morning at Arbor Hills Nature Preserve in Plano. We did an easy 5 trail miles and are normally done around 7:30AM. Starting at 6:30AM. Check out our WMTR Facebook page if you're interested. 

I'm out. Run hard. Run happy.

An oldie, but a goodie.



  1. I hope you took sower before you decided to veg on the couch.

  2. Haha,sorry to hear about the bad run. Runs like that make you appreciate the good days!

    I love the pic of your shadow...nice work.
