Good weekend down in Galveston. I raced the Quarter Iron which is something like ~1000y swim, 28M bike, 6.5 mile run. Paces were 22.75 on the bike and I believe 7:34/m on the run. The idea was to go pretty hard in the swim, and then IM race pace the rest of the race. Well the swim was great. Ended up 16th overall, by far the highlight of the day. I got on the bike and thought I had a tailwind, so I was pushing pretty good. Hit the turnaround expecting a headwind and bam.. no headwind.. So I continued close to the same pace, just a bit slower. At first it was REALLY difficult to let so many people pass me on the bike, but after a while it wasnt too bad, and I just thought about IMAZ. Came off the bike and got into the run. Felt excellent on the run. Long story short I think the mile markers were off, so my miles are REALLY sparatic. Toughest part about the run was letting myself get passed by 8 (yes i counted) 8 guys in my age group... But, I just bit down and thought about IMAZ. I thought about how bad I want KONA, and that this dinky little race isnt worth it. Finished the run TOTALLY relaxed and felt like I had just started. Was a good race in the sense that I got to race the bike in full IM race gear. I got to run in the tri-suit and I got to swim w/ my QR wetsuit. So all in all a very good training day. Wish id let off a bit on the bike but hey, I felt good and the conditions were ideal for those speeds.
Well, the reality is really starting to sink in. Im working the next 5 of 6 nights and then im off. Whatever I need to get done before I leave needs to happen now! Ill be dropping the bike off at the LBS tommorow for its needed TLC and the trisuit will be dropped off to get my LBS logos on there. Without B&B Bicycles I have no idea where I would be in the triathlon world.. definitly not where I am now. So thanks to Beth and everyone there. You guys are the best!
They havent posted any photos of the race yet so ill post them when they're up. I also am working on my Race Report for Galveston, So ill post that link as well when Im done. For now, here are some photos that friends took from this weekend! Enjoy :)

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