Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My thoughts on triathlon coaches..

So lately I've been thinking a lot about all the different coaches there are out there for us to use as triathletes... I know people that use coaches exclusively online, some in person... others by phone, email, etc. I've looked at prices and some are just OUTrageous. A lot of these "coaches" I don't see as legit coaches. Just because someone starts a company that coaches people, and the owner/coach is damn good at triathlons, does NOT make them an expert, nor a professional. Most of these "coaches" out there, maybe have a few 1-2 day clinics they've attended, maybe some 1-2 day certification in who knows what... These "coaches" have just scratched the surface... barely... But after 4yrs of Physical Education, Biomechanics, Adapted P.E., Applied Kinesiology, Fitness Principles, Exercise Physiology, and Motor Development classes, I do feel somewhat qualified. You tell me... What makes a good coach of a triathlete? There are a few industry leading coaching companies that I feel are more brainwashing specialists than anything else... So when and if I ever look for a coach for myself, I'll be looking for more than certificates from some 1-2 day clinic, or that coaches race resume... and I hope that you'll do the same.


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