It's amazing how quickly my body is adapting to the new stresses I'm putting on it. That 17 miler was probably my last run till the 100K. I'd really like to do one more but not much can help now. I'm gonna take next week super easy and not doing anything over 30-40 minutes. Courtney and I are heading out on Wednesday morning and flying into Portland, then driving down to Euguene to stay with an uncle. I've been looking foward to this trip so much this year. I got my order from today! I freaking love that site. Got an extra Amphipod Hydrafoam Handheld Thermal0Lite 20oz bottle (so now I have two), a large Amphipod pocket to go on my Spi belt (number belt), and this soooper bad ass flashlight that's the size of my pinkie and works for 20 hours. I'm only gonna need it for maybe 1.5 hrs, plus it's SO small that I can throw it in my pocket. (just in case I'm on the course till 9pm) The first photo here is all the stuff I have now that I'll be using at Where's Waldo.
This second photo is of the TINY flashlight I got. This thing is great becaus it's an LED SUPER bright light. It's small enough that I can just toss it in that little pouch I got for my number belt. The number belt also has a cool pouch for gels already on it.
All in all i could'nt be much more prepared for this run... Physically, or mentaly considering what I've been up to lately. (12 hours of summer school, work, and Ironman number four) Speaking of school I took my last two FINALS on Tuesday!!! :) Whoooo. Now all I have left till I graduate in December is my student teaching and one night class called Diversity. Hopefully this flies by, and next thing I know I'm crossing that stage with diploma in hand!
I'll be updating at least one more time before we leave on Wednesday. Plenty of pics will be uploaded as soon as I get back! Hope everyone is doing well and training hard!!
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