Friday, April 1, 2011

Ultra training without training for ultras...

I would love to say that man, SO much has been going on lately!! But that just wouldn't be the truth. Life has been good. While it's definitely been somewhat busy, it's nothing like it was a few weeks/months ago. Courtney and I are finally getting in our groove and just loving the married life :)

Speaking of the married life, we did some actual furniture shopping the other weekend and came home with a new dining room table! (Pictured below) It was way easier than we imagined. Once we found the table, we knew that was the one we wanted. There really wasn't much of a debate. It's great because it normally seats 6, but expands to 8 no problem.

The weekend after that I got the chance to head out to the Ironhead Mean Green Sprint Triathlon to volunteer! I had a total blast as usual volunteering and got to see lots of tri friends. Racing never crossed my mind once! I started out by handing out timing chips, then ended up in transition for the race, and ended with helping tear down transition. It was a good day for racing and Jack put on a great first time race. Below is a pic of an empty T1...

After the race was over I still wanted to get a workout in, so I headed over the the Greenbelt trail which was on the way home. Couldn't pass it up! I've been wanting to ride from highway 380 up the greenbelt to the IDB trails for quite awhile now. The greenbelt is 10 miles each way totalling around 20 miles + a bit. Once to the far end of the greenbelt I rode some "bandit" horse trails into the state park and rode a bit of the IDB trails. I've only run this place so it was nice to get the mtn bike on 'em :)

I was still craving some more good mountain biking after that, so the next Monday I headed over to the Northshore at Lake Grapevine and got some solid riding in there! I rode the East loop first then hit up the West O&B. About a mile from the finish I took a nasty fall. I got a little comfortable and tried to jump this lip I saw and it just went downhill as soon as my wheels were off the ground. Handlebars were all bent, but luckily the bike was rideable and I made it back to the car after laying on the trail for a few minutes.

A few days later I was riding at a local trail (that I'd rather not name), ;) and took a small fall in a gravely (word?) corner. The front wheel washed out and I just laid it down. Well I got up to ride it off and the wheel was ALL MESSED up. It was wibble wobblin everywhere. I actually rode it back home but it took an extra 30 minutes. Once home I took it by my boys at Sun and Ski sports in Frisco and as always they took care of me. I have a new wheel on the way! Can't wait to get back to riding this week. 
I've been running the entire week, which is definitely a nice change of pace, but I still miss riding. Speaking of running I need to get a big run in here soon, cause I'm planning on heading up to Arkansas in two weeks for the Ouichita 50 miler. I can't WAIT to do this one! I've been eyeing this race for a year or two and am happy it's finally going to work out. 
Last but not least, I finally, and I mean FINALLY got around to painting the fixie frame! As we type it is drying. I'm still finalizing all the parts, but hopefully this bad boy is going to be ready to roll in about 3-4 weeks! Just in time for some possible velo racing?!? ;) The pics below are from left to right. (Bike pre paint sanded down, Primed, and finally painted)

I struggled with color schemes for awhile, but last year settled on a lime green frame with a black fork. I think once the components are on it, it will really come together. 

Well, I've gotta get back to what I was doing. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the spring weather here in Texas! Looks like it's gonna be in the 80s all week!! :)

I also wanted to post a link to a "How to study the bible" podcast our pastor did last year in June. I finally got around to listening to it this week and it's literally changed the way I spend my time in The Word. Check it out and let me know what you think.

CLICK HERE for the podcast.... ok, scratch that. I couldn't find a link to that exact podcast. I'll try to find a way to get it up. In the meantime I found this YouTube video of Matt talking about us "de-churching"...


1 comment:

  1. Interesting. I am going to look up some more of his stuff. Thanks for posting
