Saturday, March 19, 2011

Double Iron to what???

First off let me start this post by saying how much I miss my old road bike. If you haven't read my previous post go ahead and do that, then come back to this one.

That bike has huge sentimental value to me, not to mention thousands of hours logged on it.  I was just flipping through my facebook photos uploaded before the race and found a few from training while on my roadie. It was an incredible bike that I'll miss much more than I ever thought I would. I would have much rather gotten rid of it on my own terms... but I guess that just wasn't in the cards. RIP roadie... wherever you may be.

This one was taken when I first painted it flat black... Probably around 2007? 2006?

This one was taken a week or two before it was stolen... While out on a training ride.

And this one was taken the day before. Race ready... for a race it would never see. :(

On another note, and more relevant to my post title, I'm having trouble trying to figure out what do after a double. I mean seriously. My second race of the year was a double Iron... What in the world do I do now?!

I still want to finish at least 12 marathons/Ultras by the end of the year, but other than that I don't have too many other plans.

I did register for an off-road duathlon in April! I've entered this race with the intention of going for the win if not the course record! It's only in it's second year I believe so it's still fairly small, but I'd love to get a fun fast race in. The distances are something like 4K run-20K mtn bike-4K run. I'm trying to get a little bit of "speed work" (whatever that means!) in before the race in hopes of being able to run somewhat faster again.

I have been getting some mountain biking in almost everyday so it's nice to be back on the trails instead of congested Plano roads training. If anyone would like to go trail run or mtn bike anytime let me know! I'm always looking for someone else to ride with.

I've also started the process of getting my fixie put back together! Since I don't have a road bike right now I figure the fixie is as close I'm going to get, plus I used to do A LOT of my training on the fixie anyways. I finished sanding it down last week so now it's all ready for a nice fresh coat of paint! I'm not giving any details on color/components cause I want to wait till I post the final photo.

Alrighty, I've gotta get back to it, but I hope everyone is doing well! It's great to be back in the 80's again, so get out there and have some fun! :)


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