Friday, May 6, 2011

To each his ultra own....

In the few years I've been exercising I've met and got to know a lot of different people. I've been running with a friend about once every two weeks, and it's exciting to see him going through something I've already experienced. On our runs our conversation is often all over the place, but it's been a nice change of pace to have someone to talk to while ticking off some miles.

Ok... so where I'm heading is that while he's at his first Ironman, it's no different than what my first double was, or what my first 100 will be. I remember about 6-7 years ago actually registering for the 8 mile Dallas Turkey Trot and not going because I didn't know if I could actually finish it. Over the years I have slowly pushed my boundries and personal limits beyond what I ever thought possible.

What I'm saying is no matter what your goal is right now, it's very likely that will grow into something you never expected. My course of endurance development went like this.

Sprint Triathlon -> 8K Road Run -> Olympic Triathlon -> Half Iron Triathlon -> Half Marathon -> Half Iron Triathlon -> Marathon -> 3 Ironmans -> 50K Trail Run -> 100K Trail Run -> 5 50 Mile Trail Runs -> Double Iron -> Right now....

Obviously I'm skipping a lot of races, but that was how I ended up where I am. It's kinda scary to wonder where that's going to go in a few years, but I'm just holding on for the ride. I feel a lot of people hit a certain point and become comfortable there. They have no desire to go past wherever it is they may be. For some that's no more than a 5K, and for some that's no more than a half or full Iron. I think those that IM isnt' enough for end up ultra running.

So, whether your life goal is a half marathon, marathon, or deca Iron, enjoy what it is you do, and be thankful you can do it! Think about how you got to where you are, because it's often a great story and one I love to hear.

Sorry for being so "sentimental" tonight... I can't help but get excited for all my friends that are about to do Ironman Texas as their first full IM. It's a fun, exciting experience that I can't wait to hear about!

Oh yea! I forgot to mention I got into the New York City Marathon!! Thanks to Scott for talking me into that one. I honestly didn't think there was any chance I'd get in, but here we are.

I promise on the next post to do some actual updating. I have an interesting race schedule this year that I'll post next time!

Here's a quick picture of my 50 miler in Arkansas a few weeks ago. I finished in around 10:15 in 16th place OA.


1 comment:

  1. Man, I've been enjoying our runs too. You've been an invaluable resource as I've been getting prepared for IM TX. Hopefully you don't get tired of all my questions! Thanks for the company during workouts and the constant encouragement.

    Great post about pushing boundaries. I still can't imagine doing anything beyond a full IM, but then I think back to how I felt after my first half IM and I was skeptical about ever doing a full. Crazy how what once seemed ridiculous can slowly become the norm. Badwater, here I come. Um, just kidding. No really, that will never happen.
