Yesterday morning when I got off work at 6:30am I headed to Norbuck Park on the Northeast corner of White Rock lake to run the Jesuit Cross Country Classic 5K. I finished in 17:28 just 5 seconds behind the winner in 2nd place.
I had an absolute blast. It's when I'm flying down a nice muddy hill with mud fly off from the guy in front of me whacking me in the face that I know why I race. Why I run. Because I love it... and I don't ever want to stop. I don't ever want to not love it. When I'm racing, whether it be a 5K, 50K, 100K, or Ironman I'm loving life, and loving what I'm doing right then. I hope that everyone gets the same joy from running and racing that I do...
**Back on subject**
The race was really different for me. It was the exact same course the high school teams were running and was set up the same from start to finish. We started in a huge corral that was about 25-3o yards if not longer wide. The grass was still really damp and the course had plenty of mud to go around! The gun went off and I immediately started glancing around to see if anyone was going to go for it. I ended up in first place and could hear the pitter patter of someone else smacking in the mud behind me. It wasn't till about a mile in that he passed me for the first time. We traded on and off for about 2.5 miles. We'd get to an uphill and I'd catch him, then he'd take me on the downhills.
Finally I mentally gave in and let him get about a 4-5 second gap. I thought that maybe I'd have a chance of catching him the last 500 yards or so, but just couldn't reel him in. It was odd, I finished and he had already headed off to who knows where. I stood around for 2 and a half minutes waiting for 3rd place to cross so I could congratulate the others on a good run and chat. Once the results were posted I saw that we were 2:33 ahead of the nearest competitors.
After getting my award, I talked with my friend Aaron for awhile and headed home so I could sleep. At that point I'd only slept 3hrs in the past 28! The results can be found by clicking HERE.
I wish I hadn't had to work tonight or I would have headed out for a nice long run yesterday afternoon. But alas, here I am working!
I know it's rare that I post this much, this often but I wanted to let everyone know about my experience with a legit cross country 5K! Aaron, has a lot of photos from the 5K and I'll get them posted as soon as he gets them uploaded.
I also want to congratulate all the finishers from the Ironman World Championships yesterday!! It was a great race to watch online. It felt really strange watching it online after racing in it last year.
Lastly, I wanted to tell Scott that I'm planning on running down to your house sometime this weekend so I can let you guys know about the 100K! I feel bad for not getting down there yet, but It's been a crazy past few weeks. Also, STAY on your side of the road :) :)
I'm out! Included is a photo of my shoes after the 5K.

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