Friday, October 29, 2010

My grandmother made me do it...

What?!?! I'm actually updating and posting on my blog?

Why yes. Yes I am. I would tell you it's because I've had so many requests from all 12 of my loyal followers but that would be a lie. It's because the other evening my grandmother of all people asked me if I ever updated my website. Well Gram, this one is for you!

I'm gonna summarize my life since the last post in as few words as possible. This is gonna be a blur, so just hold on tight.

My last update was before the El Scorcho 50K. That was going to be my 7th or 8th marathon/ultra mary of the year. Well, I DNF'd that one. Why? Because I just wasn't having fun and went out SO ridiculously hard. Could I have finished? Yes. Does that matter now? No.

The week leading up to that race I was having some strange pains and that run (made it 22-23 miles) just made it way worse, so I took off another 6 weeks or so from running to make sure everything was good to go.

I decided to put my mountain bike back together so I could train on the trails. (cause everyone knows I love the trails) Well, long story short I decided to enter the Northshore 100 mile mtn bike race. Of 13 starters, I was the only finisher, and therefore I won. I decided after that, that I wanted to try a XC mtn bike race. I signed up for the Sansom Park CAT2 race and ended up winning that overall. Now I'm going to try the CAT1 race at Rowlett Creek Preserve on Halloween and see how I fare against the big guns. I also bought a new mtn bike a month or two ago picture below. It's a Scott Scale 29er with a few upgrades. Freaking LOVE this thing. 29ers are the way to go. i can roll over whatever I want :) Thanks to Jay up at Sun and Ski Sports in Frisco for helping me out. Those guys are awesome and definitely go the extra mile everytime I'm in there.

I did the Prarieman aquabike and ended up getting 2nd place there to Dave Jones who dominated the bike. By the way, I've only swam 2 other times this year and they were BOTH in triathlons, so a 32 minutes swim wasn't too bad for no actual swim training this YEAR! For the entire year I've now swam around 45minutes total and less than 4,000 yards.

I'm registered for the Louisiana Trails 50K on Nov. 13th, because I SERIOUSLY want to get back to my ultra running. For some reason I'd still rather mtn bike right now, so my running is very minimal. Like 10-15 miles a week minimal. Regardless, I don't think I'll hae a problem finishing the race. (I just want to cross Louisiana off my 50 states list!)

The next weekend I'm planning on running the Wild Hare 50 Miler in Warda, Tx. I know, I know. You're all laughing right now. But I think I can finish it... regardless of my serious lack of run training right now. Ultra running has A LOT more to do with your mentality than your skill/training than most of you know. I'm probably going to end up with another random injury, but I'm always asking for a good whooping and I'm sure a 50K followed by a 50 miler the next weekend should give it to me.

Courtney and I are still planning away on the wedding! (Ok, Court more so than me, but I'm doign what I can!) It's getting more and more hectic the closer we get. Crazy, because I thought we were wayyy over prepared, but apparently there is no such thing as being over prepared for a wedding. Haha. Courtney is doing an awesome job, and I appreciate everything she is doing. God has blessed me with an incredible woman that loves me like no other.

I've been SERIOUSLY toying around with the idea of doing the Tampa Double Iron Triathlon in early March of 2011. Actually I'm not really toying with it anymore, I planning on it. Court gave me the go-ahead, so as long as I can get registered before it sells out, I'm in. Again, I'll probably not be anywhere NEAR as prepared as I should be, but my mentality tells me otherwise...

Alright, well for right now that's all I've got for you. Obviously, I'm still working nights if you look at the time of this post :)

I'm running 20 miles on Monday morning at the Northshore with my friend Ben if anyone else is interested in going. Also, the DORBA CX race at RCP is this Sunday (Haloween) if anyone is interested in watching or just hanging out. I'll be there all day, not to mention racing the CAT1 race at 9am.

Leave a comment and let me know what you guys think of the new layout! Take care and train safe :)


1 comment:

  1. Good luck with planning the wedding! Or helping to plan it. ;-)
    I haven't yet planned one myself, but I hear they can be pretty intense!

    Oh, and I like the layout. Very nice.

    Have fun running on Monday!
