Friday, February 18, 2011

15 Days...

Well, in 15 days I'll be starting my first double Iron.

I'd love to say that all the blood, sweat, tears and 30+hr training weeks are building to this one moment, but that's just not the case.

My largest training week has only been about 21-22 hours. I knew coming into this double iron that I would not be able to train the way I'm used to or the way I want to, but it's been well worth getting to marry my best friend and focus on our marriage.

I occasionally stalk other triathletes/ultra runners and often notice the same trend. Their life literally revolves around their racing schedules. It's unbelievably liberating and refreshing to not live my life that way. I hope to finish this double and prove that you can have a life, a functional family, and train for ultras. (maybe not competitively...)

I told Courtney from the day I decided to do this race that I would not let it take away from our first few months of marriage and I have REALLY worked hard to make that the case. I've squeezed every last minute of workouts in that I could without letting it affect everything else in my life.

Courtney has been absolutely unbelievable. Almost every night she makes something totally new that we've never had. I couldn't ask for a better life partner. Sacrificial love... enough said.

Here's a quick snapshot of dinner tonight! A peanut chicken dish that was DELICIOUS!

Speaking of Courtney she is heading out of town this weekend, so I'm taking full advantage of the workout time without affecting this family thing!

First off I'll be working Friday night from 7:30pm-6:15am. When I get off work I'm gonna go home, grab my bike and head to meet Brian at CK sports so we can get a four hour ride in. I'm sure it's going to be unbelievably brutal after being awake all night trying to keep up with these guys, but It's definitely going to help in the long run.

After we get done with the ride I'm gonna head home and try to get a few hours of sleep. Around 6pm I'll get up and get a 20 mile run in. I figure I'll run from around 6:45-10pm. Once the run is done, I'll stuff my face with food, get some sleep and get up the next morning around 6:30am so I can get another four hour ride in starting around 7am. This will conclude my peak weekend, and Monday the taper/recovery will begin.

It's going to be pretty brutal but it's something that needs to get done. Last weekend I tried to get a long ride in and it ended up only being 90 miles. The wind was ridiculous, the roads were COVERED in chip seal and I was 100% miserable. I did ride out to a small town called "Anna" which apparently does not allow cycling?

That's SO not cool!  CLICK HERE for an article I found on the bike ban in Anna. Before getting to Anna I also went through a small town called Selina. They were somewhat more friendly to cyclists :)

I'm leaving the route for this weekend up to Brian. I'm still discovering a lot of the roads in Plano, Allen, McKinney, etc. so it will be nice to have a guide that knows the area a bit better than I do!

Also, I have a friend who got her hands on a bottle of the VERY limited Sam Adams Infinium Ale! I somehow talked her into mailing me the bottle from Florida and it is NOW in my kitchen! I'm looking forward to opening this bad boy and giving it a go :) Review will follow!

Ok. I'm done here! Enough news for one post. I hope everyone is enjoying this wonderful weather in North Texas! A high of around 80 everyday?! Can't beat that :)


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