Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My first skydive..

As I said last week, my wife said I could never jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

Unfortunately for her it's something I've wanted to do since I first found out people did jump out of airplanes.

So, without further ado, here's my video of my first tandem skydive.... (compliments of my wife for my birthday!)

It was something I will most definitely never forget! SO, you may wonder why I keep calling it my "first" skydive? Well, when I got back safely to the ground I was informed that I could buy a second jump that day only for only $99! Ummm... YES PLEASE!

So with that said I have no reserved my second tandem skydive that's good for a year. I'm hoping that I can get my good friend Scott to jump with me this time. Let's hope he does!

I wanted to go ahead and post just a few photos along with the video post above. These three five are my favorites!

She reserved the jump at Skydive San Marcos just south of Austin, so we headed down to Austin for the weekend and got to enjoy a great weekend of "fine" dining and just enjoying being with each other. 

Now in other news I'm in my final week of high mileage running. I started the week off with a 27 mile trail run at the Northshore that went off without a hitch. I practiced race nutrition to a "T", plus it was nice and hot. While I'm seriously over the heat, it was probably good to get one more long run done in the heat.

It once again looks like the highs are going to drop back into the 80s, so that should really help with some of the motivational issues I've been having. Someone mentioned burnout to me earlier and while I do feel like my motivation is slipping a bit, I don't feel like it's burnout. I know that once this week is over I'll finally be able to properly recover and focus on dropping mileage while maintaining intensity.

I keep learning more and more while I get deeper and deeper into 100 miler training. I'd love to share that now, but I think it would be better to devote an entire entry into that.

That's all I've got for right now. Enjoy the video and pictures!



  1. To heck with that!!! Last thing you'll ever see me do is jump out of a perfectly good airplane (a Twin Otter at that!). Maybe, it's because I used to be a flight instructor...

    Regardless, glad you had fun. Nice skydiving shoes! :)

  2. You know Larry, to be completely honest I was pretty happy I was attached to someone with a parachute when this plane took off! ;) Little shakier than the 737s I'm used to flying in!

    I figured my minimus's would make good skydiving shoes!
