So this past Saturday I ran my 4th 50 miler this year with a friend doing his first ultra. I didn't intend on running this whole thing with him but we did! And man what an experience it was. Below is my best attempt to remember everything that went down in those 9 hours and 54 minutes :) Enjoy.
Well, I have to preface this race with a few things real quick.
Exactly a week before this race I did a 50K in Louisiana in 5:10:07. Definitely not my hardest effort, but a good effort none the less. I wanted a fun challenge so i signed up for both these races, on back to back weekends.
On top of that I invited my friend Ben to come do his first ultra at the Warda race. Before I could warn him, he was signed up for the 50 miler! AWESOME! There's not too many things more fun that watching someone finish their first ultra :)
The weekend started with Ben driving down to my place and us leaving there around 12:45pm. We hopped on I-35 and headed for Waco where we turned off onto 77 which was a straight shot to Warda, TX (a super small town just SW of Austin).
After a small detour due to both of us just zoning out, we arrived around 4:45-5:00pm, just in time to get our tents set up and grab our packets. This was my second weekend in a row to camp at a race, which I've found to be a total blast, and really add to the fun of an ultra :)
After getting our packets we decided to head back into town and grab some Subway and hit up the local Wally world to grab some necessities (toothpaste and candy).
When we got back to the campsite Ben mapped out all his gear/nutrition and got everything organized. I pretty much just watched since I was kinda/sorta winging nutrtion. We set our tents up next to a pond which was RIGHT on the run course. This way we could drop by our tents each lap and grab any food/drink we needed. We were about 3. miles from the finish line.
Finally around 9-9:30 we hit the sack and tried to get some sleep before our adventure the next day :)
Since the course was loops that's how I'm gonna do the report.
Intro lap:
This first lap was to be 5 miles. We started promptly at 0600 in the dark. I had a small handheld and Ben had a headlamp. I was figuring we'd have to use them for at least the first 45mins or so. Joe (the RD) shouted go and we started. Off into the darkness we ran.
Ben said his plan was just to hang with me as long as possible and then figure it out from there. My plan was to run a comfortable pace and then re-evaluate around mile 35 and start making goals from there.
Ben and I were just hanging out in the train of headlamps bobbing around in the dark as we ran through a field and rounded a small pond. Within a few minutes we were entering the nice single track in the woods. I looked back and noticed we were just ahead of the main train of people, which I hate being stuck in, so I was way happy with our placement.
We were running a very very comfortable pace. Quickly two guys caught up with us, and I could feel their feet behind me which annoys me beyond belief in a 10+hr race, so I pulled off the trail and let them go. We'd see 'em later :)
A few times we'd pop out of the woods against a fence line and the sun was just shedding some light. There was a very light fog which was gorgeous in the morning light.
Soon we were pulling up to the first aid station at mile 3.5 and feeling great. I asked Ben if he needed anything. He said no, and we headed back out. After a few hundred feet we cut across a field and back onto the trail.
Before we knew it we were passing our campsite and grabbing some more food, and heading back for the start line. The 50K race was set to go off at 0700, and they were all lining up as Ben and I ran through to complete our first small loop of 5 miles.
Lap 1:
The sun was up at this point so no more lights were needed. We did that small field section at the start and were quickly back into the wooded single track section.
I think by this point we had picked up another runner named "Pete". Pete turned out to be an Aggie (which I couldn't hold against him since being an ultra runner trumped being an aggie).
Soon enough we pulled out of that section and through the first aid station again at mile 8.5. Both of us were still feeling great and making good progress. This time we were running the whole 7.5 mile loop so the rest of this loop was going to be new to us. We cross another cow pasture and all the sudden came to a very steep benchcut drop! We navigated our way down it while it twisted along the side of a 100-120ft "cliff". I knew this section would hurt later!
The trail dropped us off at the bottom of the cliff and we were then running along the edge of a field. The trail looped back around and brought us next to the cliff and up a nice little climb. The trail was really wide here. We hiked our way up it and were quickly back to running at the top.
The trail again dropped back down via steep benchcut to another pasture. We ran all the way around the edge of the pasture. The last section of the pasture was a loong straightaway. We ran all the way back to the tree line. Here there was a bridge crossing a creek that was semi steep. Here was the 2nd climb of the course which wasn't too bad, but definitely doing to be walked! :)
Once at the top we began running again. The trail twisted around a bit, and before we knew it we were back at the campsite grabbing more food. Pete waited for us here. As soon as we had what we needed, we headed back to the start/finish line. Once there we refilled our bottles and I dropped off my gloves and arm warmers cause it was really warming up quickly! Off to start loop 3!
Lap 2:
This lap started at mile 12.4. We were both still feeling really good so we just maintained pace here. I can't remember if it was this lap or the next one, but I let Ben lead a bit through the wooded single track section. He kept mentioning how this was his favorite section. I noticed he was pushing the pace just a litttleee bit, but enough for me to notice. There were a few times a small gap opened up, but by the time we reached the aid station we were "training". If he was going to try and keep that pace I was decided that I'd let him go. We left that aid station and began the next section 16.9 miles in. We walked out of the aid station and began running again.
By this point, in my mind I had really broken up the course which really helped. Here's how I broke it down. The first section was the wooded single track which brought us into the first aid station. The next section was the cow pasture which brought us to the steep drop into the first field which was the third section. The fourth section was the larger field with the long straight away against the fence line, and the fifth section was everything past that to the finish.
After we left the aid station we crossed the cow pasture and dropped back down into the first field. Then onto the second field and I noticed Ben had slowed just a touch back to our original pace. I was happy to see that, because I didn't want him to blow up later.
We made the 2nd climb out of the fields and ran the rest of the 5th section back to our camp site. We re-fueled and were back on the trail for the start/finish line. Once there I made the decision to pull the shirt off cause it was warming up even more. Ben followed suit and we were quickly back on the trail!
Lap 3:
This lap started at mile 20. Everything was still looking pretty good for both of us. Our nutrition was going well and the legs were behaving nicely :) I believe was Pete was still with us here.
We crossed the small field at the start and were soon back in the wooded single track. It was this loop where I began to tire of this section. It was super twisty and lots of small rocks. Ben loved this section so I just let him do his thing again!
We were soon back at the first aid station at mile 23.5. Once back on the trail we did the drop into the field section and up the first climb. We dropped back down and into the second field. We rounded the whole thing then it was back up the second climb and onto the 5th section.
Again, before I knew it we were back at our campsite. I was really surprised at how fresh I was feeling. I didn't have any major aches or pains and the legs weren't too tired. We re-fueled and headed back to the start/finish. I believe this is where Pete stopped to tape his feet, so we headed back out without him.
Lap 4:
This lap started at mile 27.5. I believe everything was still going fairly well at this point. I think this is where Ben expected things to fall apart. We entered the wooded single track and things continued as before, except this time I led through the woods. We had started something which was rather clever on our parts.
Ben loved the wooded single track section, and I loved the open field sections. So I started leading the wooded single track to keep Ben from going to hard here, and he lead through the fields to keep me from going too hard.
We were soon back at the first aid station which was mile 31 or about 50K. Looking back now, I feel this is where the pace started to fade just a bit. Ben was slowing down, but still running! I was debating in my head on whether I should go off and try to break 9 hours, or finish with Ben. I obviously made the decision to stay with Ben, which I'm happy I did now.
We were still running almost all the flat sections and only walking the two climbs and the aid stations. By this point dividing the sections of the trail up was really helping.
Ben and I made our way back to the camp site and sat down for a few minutes on some stumps while we re-fueled. Each time we came by here I made sure to get my food as quick as possible and get back on the trail to wait for Ben. I wanted to keep him from sitting down too long, because I know how hard it can be to get back up!
I also think Ben was realizing at this point what kind of pain we were in store for on the next two laps! In a sick way this excited me, cause it's difficult to explain to people what it feels like to run 40+ miles. Ben was about to find out first hand! :)
We made it back to the start/finish and filled up on fluids. Off to start lap 5 which would be the ugliest of them all.
Lap 5:
This lap started 35 miles in. Back to the dreaded wooded single track (for me anyways!). I think I may have possible led this section, but could be wrong. Ben was hurting a bit and I didn't want to push the pace. His knee had started to bother him, so when it would flare up we would walk it off. I honestly couldn't believe he was still running like he was! He had really quickly picked up the ultra runner "shuffle/run".
We kept telling each other once done with this lap only ONE left! Back at the first aid station we were 38.5 miles in. We walked out and walked about halfway through the cow pasture. It was here that Olga past us, and as usual she was walking faster than we were running! haha. I told her, "We've gotta learn to walk like that!"
This lap kept getting worse for Ben, but I knew if we just broke it up into the sections and if I got him back to the campsite we'd be on the last lap before we knew it!
Soon enough we were back on the long straight away in the last field. Once to the bridge crossing the creek, we walked up the second climb and were back in the wooded single track. The lap before this one, we both had some mild stomach issues. Neither one of us ended up eating anything on that lap, but were now able to eat again. (for the most part)
We got back to the camp site and Ben sat down to grab some food. I quickly grabbed mine and got back on the trail to wait for him! Once he was done we walked/jogged our way back to the start/finish.
Lap 6:
Well, this was the final lap. We were 42.5 miles in and only had 7.5 to go! This lap started out preetttyy ugly. I had been keeping an eye on the watch for awhile, and knew that it was possible for us to break 10 hours. I really wanted Ben to get that, but didn't tell him. I just pushed the pace when I felt I could, and walked with him, when I knew it was a bad idea to run. Finally we had finished the wooded single track which seemed to take forever that time and were now at mile 46!
We grabbed some h20 at the aid station and began to head out. Next thing I know, I hear Ben say, "Where running at the tree".
Yes! I liked this. From the pace we held the previous 3.5 miles I knew we wouldn't break 10.
When we started running I could tell Ben was refreshed! We ran all the way to the steep downhill and back into the first field. We shuffled all the way around the edge and walked the uphill as always. We dropped back down and began the last trudge around the second field.
I was constantly keeping an eye out on the watch cause I knew it was gonna be close! My plan was to get him through the field and up the last climb then push the pace as much as possible through the 5th section.
Once we had walked up the last climb it was on! We were running pretty much everything. When I noticed Ben was keeping up no problem I knew we'd break ten hours :)
When we came around the camp site I grabbed a beer out of my cooler and we headed for the finish line.
We crossed at exactly the same time. 9:54:25. 12th and 13th place.
Ben had finished his first ultra like a true ultra runner!
We crossed the line and headed over to the aid station stuff to grab some food! I found someone with a bottle opener so I could drink my IPA while Ben got some post race sausage. I had an awesome cheeseburger and got to chat with Olga and Larry about their awesome Hardrock experience :)
For the most part, Ben and I just enjoyed getting to be around other people like us and talk about what we love.
As always Tejas Trails put on an awesome race. Joe is a great RD that get's business done!
For full results CLICK HERE.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! As always I'll be running the Dallas 8 mile Turkey Trot. This will be my 6th one! Hard to believe I've been running for about 6 years now.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Another 50 miler and a Double Ironman...
So... I have a lot to write about, but don't have much time.
This weekend I ran the Wild Hare 50 Miler with my friend Ben. It was his first ultra! I was so pumped for him to just skip the 50k and go straight for the 50 miler! I'm planning on finishing up a quick race report tonight at work. Should be up by tomorrow morning.
I was really surprised that my legs felt as fresh as they did after the 50K last weekend. I never felt like I was really working this weekend and was happy to finish feeling like I could do plenty more!
I also sent n my application for the Florida Double Iron triathlon! While this definitely seems like I'm in over my head, feel confident that I can finish within the 36 hour cutoff :) I'll be posting much more about that in the near future!
Congrats to everyone at the 50 miler this weekend! Tejas Trails put on another awesome race as always!
This weekend I ran the Wild Hare 50 Miler with my friend Ben. It was his first ultra! I was so pumped for him to just skip the 50k and go straight for the 50 miler! I'm planning on finishing up a quick race report tonight at work. Should be up by tomorrow morning.
I was really surprised that my legs felt as fresh as they did after the 50K last weekend. I never felt like I was really working this weekend and was happy to finish feeling like I could do plenty more!
I also sent n my application for the Florida Double Iron triathlon! While this definitely seems like I'm in over my head, feel confident that I can finish within the 36 hour cutoff :) I'll be posting much more about that in the near future!
Congrats to everyone at the 50 miler this weekend! Tejas Trails put on another awesome race as always!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Louisiana Trails 50K Race Report
I hate titling this a "race report". This was most definitely not a race. I just went out and had a blast doing what I love while enjoying some beautiful Louisiana scenery on the single track.
Looks like total there were about 15-20 people in the 50K this weekend and I ended up 2nd overall. Ended up being a great run and I felt unbelievably strong. With my lack of training I never expected to feel that good the whole day.
Anyways, I'll cut to the chase. Below is the "race report". Shoot me a line if you have any questions about the race. Next week it's the Wild Hare 50 Miler for me! Can't wait to spend 8-12 hours on the single track :) And I'm camping again!
Pre Race:
When I looked this race up last year I pretty much made up my mind I was going to do it. I really wanted to cross Louisiana off my 50 states list, not to mention run a challenging 50K in November.
I also made up my mind around September that I was going to camp at this race. It wasn't until I got into the ultra running scene that I found out a lot of ultra runners will camp at the race sites sine the majority of them are in state parks or other camping friendly locations.
So on Friday after our wedding shower at Courtneys work I hit the road around 3:45 for Shreveport from Dallas. On the way out I hit some nasty storms and knew that they were heading for Louisiana. It was at this point I called Court and Scott to see what they thought I should do, and have them look up hotels for me. I just wasn't in the mood to set up my tent in that kind of rain.
Soon enough I had pulled past the storm where it was still dry. After talking to Scott, I figured I'd give the camping a try. I figured if I could get there quick enough, I'd be all set up before the rain hit.
I exited off I-20 and headed into the backwoods of Louisiana. Ohhh yay. After about 20 minutes I arrived at the race site to find about 2-3 other campers. I quickly set up my little two man ultra light tent and got inside before anything came down.
I had a bite to eat and called Court to say goodnight and tried to get some sleep around 8:30-9:00. I woke up around 11 and quickly went back to sleep, then finally woke up around midnight to some GOOD rain and wind. This was a brand new tent so I still wasn't 100% confident in it, but everything held up great. I could hear the guys next door running for their truck. The temps began dropping and got to I'm guessing the low 50s. I zipped up my sleeping bag and tried to fall back asleep but wasn't able till around 1:30.
I woke up to people parking at the race site around 5:30, then fell back asleep and wasn't up again till my alarm went off at 6:30. I made a quick french press with my JetBoil and headed over to packet pick up with fresh coffee in hand :)
Opted to leave the tent up till post race. I changed into my running stuff and headed over the start line about 7:20. The race was set to go off at 7:30.
I went into the race looking for two things.
1) A finish so I can cross Louisiana off my 50 states list
2) A strong finish, without killing my legs.
I registered myself for this 50K and a 50 miler the following weekend, so this race was never meant to be a race. I was just going for a good time and to get another 50k under my belt.
The start gun went off and we headed down at pavement road for about a half mile till we filed one at a time into the muddy single track. I was quickly caught off guard at how firm the trail was. While it was wet and slick it wasn't at muddy as I was expecting after the rain last night.
The course was two laps of 13.1 miles followed by a little 5 mile loop. On this first lap I spent the first 5 miles or so in a train just hanging out. The pace felt a bit fast a few times, but I didn't feel like I was pushing to hard so I just cruised along with everyone else.
The trail was beautiful. I felt so lucky to be able to run this race. After not doing a trail race since early this year it was amazing how fast it all came back.
I was right back where I left off.
There were two other races starting at the same time as the 50K. A half marathon and the marathon, so there were a lot of people on the course. (~130 total) I just tried to not run off with some half marathoner and blow up later. Around mile 7 I found a running buddy and we ran the next 4-5 miles together. These miles just ticked away. Around mile 9 we came to an open field/jeep road and headed back towards the starting area.
Around mile 11 we came RIGHT by the starting line then headed back out for a short 2.1 mile section to total 13.1 for the loop. I finished the first loop in around 2:04 feeling really good.
I grabbed a gel and a clifbar from my tent and headed back out for another loop. As soon as I got back on the single track I was in heaven. All the half marathoners were gone and I was all alone. Finally. A chance to breathe. This is the part of ultras I live/run for. When you're 15-20 miles into a race in the middle of the woods and you can't see anyone. It's such an awesome experience.
On this second lap all the aid stations that had been manned on the first lap were no longer manned. So I'd pull in, fill up my bottle, grab a few M&Ms and get back on the trail.
Around mile 15-17 I had my typical down period, but after 17-18 it was gone and I was feeling freah and happy. At mile 22 or so, I was walking out of an aid station and some guy comes popping out of the woods on a side trail. He was backtracking a bit and I figured he was lost. I asked him if he was OK and he told me he was making sure he was on the right trail.
I asked him what race he was in and he said the 50K! HAHA. I was like riiiiggghhhttt. That would mean your like 5 miles ahead of me and I'm on pace for around a 5 hour 50K.
Well sure enough this guy was winning the 50K (I was in 3rd at the time). I assured him he was on the right trail. He asked if he could pace with me for awhile. I of course said yes and made it my goal to help him finish as fast as possible. He was hurting for sure. At this point I picked up the pace quite a bit, probably too fast, but I knew it was so fast, so around mile 24 we took a walk break and he stayed with me. Around mile 24.5 we started running again. It wasn't till around 25.5 that I dropped him and finsihed my 2nd lap in around 2:14. Only 10mins slower than the first lap.
I grabbed some M&Ms and headed out for my final 5 mile loop. As I was walking out I saw my new friend win the 50K! Awesome for him.
Now begins ultra fun. Everything past the marathon mark. I walked for about a half mile here and after that didn't stop running till the finish. The more I ran the better I felt. The trail was drying nicely and even tacky in some spots.
Around mile 29 I started thinking about the 50 miler next weekend and how I hope I feel this good. Soon enough I was off the single track and running the last half mile into the finish to see my 1st place 50K friend waiting! He was really thankful I ran it in with him. This was his first ultra, and he found it funny that I would pace first place in while in 2nd place.
I grabbed my finisher shirt and medal, then headed over the tent to begin packing things up. I chatted with my new friend for a bit, then hit the road for Dallas.
Hope everyone is having a great week! 50 mile run this weekend!!
Looks like total there were about 15-20 people in the 50K this weekend and I ended up 2nd overall. Ended up being a great run and I felt unbelievably strong. With my lack of training I never expected to feel that good the whole day.
Anyways, I'll cut to the chase. Below is the "race report". Shoot me a line if you have any questions about the race. Next week it's the Wild Hare 50 Miler for me! Can't wait to spend 8-12 hours on the single track :) And I'm camping again!
Pre Race:
When I looked this race up last year I pretty much made up my mind I was going to do it. I really wanted to cross Louisiana off my 50 states list, not to mention run a challenging 50K in November.
I also made up my mind around September that I was going to camp at this race. It wasn't until I got into the ultra running scene that I found out a lot of ultra runners will camp at the race sites sine the majority of them are in state parks or other camping friendly locations.
So on Friday after our wedding shower at Courtneys work I hit the road around 3:45 for Shreveport from Dallas. On the way out I hit some nasty storms and knew that they were heading for Louisiana. It was at this point I called Court and Scott to see what they thought I should do, and have them look up hotels for me. I just wasn't in the mood to set up my tent in that kind of rain.
Soon enough I had pulled past the storm where it was still dry. After talking to Scott, I figured I'd give the camping a try. I figured if I could get there quick enough, I'd be all set up before the rain hit.
I exited off I-20 and headed into the backwoods of Louisiana. Ohhh yay. After about 20 minutes I arrived at the race site to find about 2-3 other campers. I quickly set up my little two man ultra light tent and got inside before anything came down.
I had a bite to eat and called Court to say goodnight and tried to get some sleep around 8:30-9:00. I woke up around 11 and quickly went back to sleep, then finally woke up around midnight to some GOOD rain and wind. This was a brand new tent so I still wasn't 100% confident in it, but everything held up great. I could hear the guys next door running for their truck. The temps began dropping and got to I'm guessing the low 50s. I zipped up my sleeping bag and tried to fall back asleep but wasn't able till around 1:30.
I woke up to people parking at the race site around 5:30, then fell back asleep and wasn't up again till my alarm went off at 6:30. I made a quick french press with my JetBoil and headed over to packet pick up with fresh coffee in hand :)
Opted to leave the tent up till post race. I changed into my running stuff and headed over the start line about 7:20. The race was set to go off at 7:30.
I went into the race looking for two things.
1) A finish so I can cross Louisiana off my 50 states list
2) A strong finish, without killing my legs.
I registered myself for this 50K and a 50 miler the following weekend, so this race was never meant to be a race. I was just going for a good time and to get another 50k under my belt.
The start gun went off and we headed down at pavement road for about a half mile till we filed one at a time into the muddy single track. I was quickly caught off guard at how firm the trail was. While it was wet and slick it wasn't at muddy as I was expecting after the rain last night.
The course was two laps of 13.1 miles followed by a little 5 mile loop. On this first lap I spent the first 5 miles or so in a train just hanging out. The pace felt a bit fast a few times, but I didn't feel like I was pushing to hard so I just cruised along with everyone else.
The trail was beautiful. I felt so lucky to be able to run this race. After not doing a trail race since early this year it was amazing how fast it all came back.
I was right back where I left off.
There were two other races starting at the same time as the 50K. A half marathon and the marathon, so there were a lot of people on the course. (~130 total) I just tried to not run off with some half marathoner and blow up later. Around mile 7 I found a running buddy and we ran the next 4-5 miles together. These miles just ticked away. Around mile 9 we came to an open field/jeep road and headed back towards the starting area.
Around mile 11 we came RIGHT by the starting line then headed back out for a short 2.1 mile section to total 13.1 for the loop. I finished the first loop in around 2:04 feeling really good.
I grabbed a gel and a clifbar from my tent and headed back out for another loop. As soon as I got back on the single track I was in heaven. All the half marathoners were gone and I was all alone. Finally. A chance to breathe. This is the part of ultras I live/run for. When you're 15-20 miles into a race in the middle of the woods and you can't see anyone. It's such an awesome experience.
On this second lap all the aid stations that had been manned on the first lap were no longer manned. So I'd pull in, fill up my bottle, grab a few M&Ms and get back on the trail.
Around mile 15-17 I had my typical down period, but after 17-18 it was gone and I was feeling freah and happy. At mile 22 or so, I was walking out of an aid station and some guy comes popping out of the woods on a side trail. He was backtracking a bit and I figured he was lost. I asked him if he was OK and he told me he was making sure he was on the right trail.
I asked him what race he was in and he said the 50K! HAHA. I was like riiiiggghhhttt. That would mean your like 5 miles ahead of me and I'm on pace for around a 5 hour 50K.
Well sure enough this guy was winning the 50K (I was in 3rd at the time). I assured him he was on the right trail. He asked if he could pace with me for awhile. I of course said yes and made it my goal to help him finish as fast as possible. He was hurting for sure. At this point I picked up the pace quite a bit, probably too fast, but I knew it was so fast, so around mile 24 we took a walk break and he stayed with me. Around mile 24.5 we started running again. It wasn't till around 25.5 that I dropped him and finsihed my 2nd lap in around 2:14. Only 10mins slower than the first lap.
I grabbed some M&Ms and headed out for my final 5 mile loop. As I was walking out I saw my new friend win the 50K! Awesome for him.
Now begins ultra fun. Everything past the marathon mark. I walked for about a half mile here and after that didn't stop running till the finish. The more I ran the better I felt. The trail was drying nicely and even tacky in some spots.
Around mile 29 I started thinking about the 50 miler next weekend and how I hope I feel this good. Soon enough I was off the single track and running the last half mile into the finish to see my 1st place 50K friend waiting! He was really thankful I ran it in with him. This was his first ultra, and he found it funny that I would pace first place in while in 2nd place.
I grabbed my finisher shirt and medal, then headed over the tent to begin packing things up. I chatted with my new friend for a bit, then hit the road for Dallas.
Hope everyone is having a great week! 50 mile run this weekend!!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
No motivation or a change in priorities...
I just spent about 30 minutes looking back through a lot of old blog posts and training log posts. On November 24th, I will have been logging my workouts on for three years. February 2nd will be my 4 year anniversary of logging workouts in general.
It's so weird going back and reading everything I had to say back then. My motivations were totally different. Now I ask myself... Do I no longer like triathlon? Do I not want to do it anymore?
I definitely don't think that's the case, but I do think that my priorities are different. I think SO many triathletes get so off track from what's really important, and I used to be one of "those" triathletes. Over the past year or so I've discovered that you can still do triathlon/endurance sports AND have fun doing it! You don't have to devote every living second to training and the triathlon mentality.
Currently I'm struggling with my role on Team Ironhead. I've been racing for them for about three-four years now and love everyone on the team, but to be honest I barely race triathlon anymore. I'm gonna go volunteer at Brondas DU in a few weeks and make a call after that. If I'm not kicked off I'm gonna hang around and keep helping Ironhead Race Productions as much as possible.
Ok! Enough emo posting. I have a 50K run this weekend and I'm totally excited and totally unprepared. My training as usual is lacking, but I'm confident I can finish regardless. I've heard great things about this race in regards to the course and I'm pumped to get to run a challenging 50K this close to home.
I'm also going to try camping this weekend at the race! I'm going down there solo so I figure this is a great way to save some $$$. Unfortunately the forecast is for a 40% of rain so I'm crossing my fingers that holds off till Sunday!
I've gotta get back to work, but just wanted to share a few thoughts with everyone! Below is a song by Boards of Canada that I loveee. Just for your enjoyment.
Also, go check out my friend Bens blog. CLICK HERE to check it out. He's doing his first 50 miler next Saturday!! GO BEN!
It's so weird going back and reading everything I had to say back then. My motivations were totally different. Now I ask myself... Do I no longer like triathlon? Do I not want to do it anymore?
I definitely don't think that's the case, but I do think that my priorities are different. I think SO many triathletes get so off track from what's really important, and I used to be one of "those" triathletes. Over the past year or so I've discovered that you can still do triathlon/endurance sports AND have fun doing it! You don't have to devote every living second to training and the triathlon mentality.
Currently I'm struggling with my role on Team Ironhead. I've been racing for them for about three-four years now and love everyone on the team, but to be honest I barely race triathlon anymore. I'm gonna go volunteer at Brondas DU in a few weeks and make a call after that. If I'm not kicked off I'm gonna hang around and keep helping Ironhead Race Productions as much as possible.
Ok! Enough emo posting. I have a 50K run this weekend and I'm totally excited and totally unprepared. My training as usual is lacking, but I'm confident I can finish regardless. I've heard great things about this race in regards to the course and I'm pumped to get to run a challenging 50K this close to home.
I'm also going to try camping this weekend at the race! I'm going down there solo so I figure this is a great way to save some $$$. Unfortunately the forecast is for a 40% of rain so I'm crossing my fingers that holds off till Sunday!
I've gotta get back to work, but just wanted to share a few thoughts with everyone! Below is a song by Boards of Canada that I loveee. Just for your enjoyment.
Also, go check out my friend Bens blog. CLICK HERE to check it out. He's doing his first 50 miler next Saturday!! GO BEN!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
RCP CAT1 Mtn Bike Race
This whole story starts last week, and I'm going to tell it all.
So last Tuesday I went out for a nice ride at Arbor Hills next door to the apartment. I was going to hit up a lap there, then ride to FL and do a lap, then finish up with one more lap at Arbor Hills. Well I ride over to Arbor from the apartment and quickly jump on the single track. (This was also my first ride on my new tubeless set up!)
I'm flying down the trail feeling awesome! Well about 3 minutes in I get to this really rooty drop so I speed up and "coast" over it. Well all the sudden it's like I slammed the breaks on and it feels like all hell just broke loose in my rear wheel. I come to a full stop and look behind me to find my rear derailluer jammed into my rear wheel!!
It was UGLY! About 3-4 spokes were broken in half and it obviously wasn't rideable. Thanks goodness I was only a mile from the apartment and not at FL. I call Jay and he says to bring it up there so he can figure out what's going on. (race on Sunday)
I walk home and load the bike onto the back of the car. I get to Sun & Ski and Jay quickly gets to work. I of course had to snap a few more quick pics.
I end up leaving the bike with Jay so he can work his magic and head back home to get ready for work. This is now the second day I'd been up to S&S because the day before I bought my new tubeless kit and chain! He ended up replacing the rear derailluer and 14 spokes!
I had to work all week, so I left the bike with him and didn't get to pick it up till Saturday. (The day before the race) As soon as I picked it up around noon, I headed over to RCP to get a quick ride in before the race and see how the course was. Well about 33 minutes into that ride my rear wheel started rubbing the frame, so I stop to check it out and 4-5 spokes had come totally loose so now the wheel was out of true pretty bad. Awesome I thought!!!
I of course call Jay again, but forgot he was about to be in a wedding. He texted me a bit later and we decided I'd drop the bike of at the shop and he'd drop it off that night after he swung by the shop to check it out.
That night he dropped off the bike and everything looked good. He informed me that sometimes spokes will come loose after getting replaced, but that hopefully they'd stay put this time.
Well, the next morning I got up around 6:30 to head out to the race. I look downstairs to see Jay and Lindsey already headed out! I load up and get there around 7:30. My race went off at 9am. I did a quick lap on the single track start and everything felt ok. Jay had brough an extra 29er wheel just in case I wanted to run that one. I decided against it and ended up paying the price.
Me and the other "CAT1 Sr Men 19-29" lined up at 8:58 and were ready to go. The gun went off and we were racing! The first few seconds of the start weren't too bad and I entered the single track in 5th place out of 8. We were hauling some serious ass. What a huge difference btwn CAT2 and CAT1 already. I wasn't having too much of a problem keeping up and was happy to be hanging on in 5th. About 10 mins in it looked like the other 3 guys had fallen off pace a bit. I was hanging on to the front group! By the time we made it around to the start area again I was still hanging on for dear life.
When we entered the actual trail head I could tell I was in the process of getting dropped. At that point I thought it was over, but soon enough I could see the 3 guys ahead of me! I worked pretty hard to get real close to catching them, and right before I did someone happened to my gearing and I think my chain got caught btwn two cogs. Gahhhhhhh. Once I was good to go again, they had another huge gap. Well, let me tell you this. A gap in CAT1 means you are so screwed. I spent the rest of that lap trying to catch them and finished the first lap about a minute behind them.
On the second lap everything started going downhill. I kept thinking spokes were coming loose again, and at one point actually STOPPED in the trail to check them. At that point they felt ok, but mentally I was totally out of the race. About 5mins later a tree caught my jersey and ripped a huge chunk out of it (and my shoulder).
Towards the end of that lap I could hear my rear wheel rubbing a bit and knew something was awash. That was it. I was done.
Just before crossing the line to start my third lap I bailed and DNFd. Went over to see Jay and we chatted for a bit. I knew I should have used the other wheel he brought, but didn't go with my gut feeling. With that said, I'm not an excuse kind of racer, and I was getting it handed to me out there by those other CAT1s!
It was an awesome experience racing with those guys and I can't wait to do it again. I definitely wouldn't have placed, but I feel I could have taken 4th or 5th if I'd been able to finish. I'll be back to try the XC series next year as a CAT1. Huge thanks to DORBA for putting on such an awesome event. Those guys put on fun races that are well organized and exciting for all involved. I ended up volunteering for the CAT2 sweep job and had fun doing that.
Congrats to Jay and Lindsey for both killing it out there. You guys rock! I can't wait for the next one. See everyone out there!
For now, I've gotta do some running cause I have a 50K in two weeks :)
So last Tuesday I went out for a nice ride at Arbor Hills next door to the apartment. I was going to hit up a lap there, then ride to FL and do a lap, then finish up with one more lap at Arbor Hills. Well I ride over to Arbor from the apartment and quickly jump on the single track. (This was also my first ride on my new tubeless set up!)
I'm flying down the trail feeling awesome! Well about 3 minutes in I get to this really rooty drop so I speed up and "coast" over it. Well all the sudden it's like I slammed the breaks on and it feels like all hell just broke loose in my rear wheel. I come to a full stop and look behind me to find my rear derailluer jammed into my rear wheel!!
I walk home and load the bike onto the back of the car. I get to Sun & Ski and Jay quickly gets to work. I of course had to snap a few more quick pics.
I had to work all week, so I left the bike with him and didn't get to pick it up till Saturday. (The day before the race) As soon as I picked it up around noon, I headed over to RCP to get a quick ride in before the race and see how the course was. Well about 33 minutes into that ride my rear wheel started rubbing the frame, so I stop to check it out and 4-5 spokes had come totally loose so now the wheel was out of true pretty bad. Awesome I thought!!!
I of course call Jay again, but forgot he was about to be in a wedding. He texted me a bit later and we decided I'd drop the bike of at the shop and he'd drop it off that night after he swung by the shop to check it out.
That night he dropped off the bike and everything looked good. He informed me that sometimes spokes will come loose after getting replaced, but that hopefully they'd stay put this time.
Well, the next morning I got up around 6:30 to head out to the race. I look downstairs to see Jay and Lindsey already headed out! I load up and get there around 7:30. My race went off at 9am. I did a quick lap on the single track start and everything felt ok. Jay had brough an extra 29er wheel just in case I wanted to run that one. I decided against it and ended up paying the price.
Me and the other "CAT1 Sr Men 19-29" lined up at 8:58 and were ready to go. The gun went off and we were racing! The first few seconds of the start weren't too bad and I entered the single track in 5th place out of 8. We were hauling some serious ass. What a huge difference btwn CAT2 and CAT1 already. I wasn't having too much of a problem keeping up and was happy to be hanging on in 5th. About 10 mins in it looked like the other 3 guys had fallen off pace a bit. I was hanging on to the front group! By the time we made it around to the start area again I was still hanging on for dear life.
When we entered the actual trail head I could tell I was in the process of getting dropped. At that point I thought it was over, but soon enough I could see the 3 guys ahead of me! I worked pretty hard to get real close to catching them, and right before I did someone happened to my gearing and I think my chain got caught btwn two cogs. Gahhhhhhh. Once I was good to go again, they had another huge gap. Well, let me tell you this. A gap in CAT1 means you are so screwed. I spent the rest of that lap trying to catch them and finished the first lap about a minute behind them.
Towards the end of that lap I could hear my rear wheel rubbing a bit and knew something was awash. That was it. I was done.
Just before crossing the line to start my third lap I bailed and DNFd. Went over to see Jay and we chatted for a bit. I knew I should have used the other wheel he brought, but didn't go with my gut feeling. With that said, I'm not an excuse kind of racer, and I was getting it handed to me out there by those other CAT1s!
It was an awesome experience racing with those guys and I can't wait to do it again. I definitely wouldn't have placed, but I feel I could have taken 4th or 5th if I'd been able to finish. I'll be back to try the XC series next year as a CAT1. Huge thanks to DORBA for putting on such an awesome event. Those guys put on fun races that are well organized and exciting for all involved. I ended up volunteering for the CAT2 sweep job and had fun doing that.
Congrats to Jay and Lindsey for both killing it out there. You guys rock! I can't wait for the next one. See everyone out there!
For now, I've gotta do some running cause I have a 50K in two weeks :)
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