So the workouts lately have been supreme. (Is supreme an adjective?) Ive been getting alot of LSD, and this weekend will be no different. Im excited to see how my body reacts and im even more excited for White Rock next weekend...
Speaking of White Rock they capped the race this year at 15K.... Guess who didnt get in? Ha. Yea... My procrastination finally got the best of me. Its very irritating to me that there were no updates what so ever on the WR website as to the fact that the race was almost full. Im assuming they capped it due to the whole incident in Chicago... but lets face the facts... the race is in DECEMBER... Anyways, I just might happen to be going out for a 13.1 mile run, on the White Rock course, the same morning of the race... just maybe... **wink wink**
I had a little taper planned for next weekend so I could put down at least a 1:30 next weekend. I think im still going to aim for a sub 7 pace, but nothing below 6:45/m.
I just lost all my concentration so back to "work" i go.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Treadmills? No way....
So... Plan for today? 1hr - 8ish mile run. Start at around an 8min pace, work it down to 7:30s. Nothing crazy. Wake up around 3p and hear rain :( Well.. Ill run and cycle in sub anything temps.. but I wont run or cycle in wet rain. Sickness isnt worth it.
So... What do I do? Well, im NOT a fan of treadmills. But... I had to do what I had to do. So I grab my gear swallow a powerbar and head to the Cedar Hill rec center.
I hate working out indoors SO bad that I pay $5 everytime I go up there for a one day pass instead of buying unlimited passes for ______ amount each month/3 months. I get to the rec center and change then head over to the treadmills :( :( :( :( :(
I set everything up like im about to do a marathon. Lol. 2 waterbottles, ipod, towel, etc etc. I start the stupid machine and phsych (sp?) myself up. (before I continue, know that Im doing this run in my Asics, NOT my newtons. Mainly becaues they say Newtons arent made for Treadmills and the benefits would be none....So I decided id try my gel landriths again... Which ive run in the 3yrs previous to this past month)
I literally hop on and start running. It was at a 10min pace so I quickly brough it down to 8min/mile... First thought? This is WAY uncomfortable and I bet I look like a RETARD. :( It felt SOOOO akward. I was trying to run on my forefoot and was but just couldnt get comfortable.
I literally quit after no more than 30seconds.
I got off the treadmill, packed my stuff and left.
To do what you ask?
Go home..put on my Newtons... and run for an hr. After my hr run in the sub 40degree temps I felt awesome. It didnt rain too hard and I felt that much stronger for suckin it up and getting it done.
I will never run in anything but Newtons ever again.
So... What do I do? Well, im NOT a fan of treadmills. But... I had to do what I had to do. So I grab my gear swallow a powerbar and head to the Cedar Hill rec center.
I hate working out indoors SO bad that I pay $5 everytime I go up there for a one day pass instead of buying unlimited passes for ______ amount each month/3 months. I get to the rec center and change then head over to the treadmills :( :( :( :( :(
I set everything up like im about to do a marathon. Lol. 2 waterbottles, ipod, towel, etc etc. I start the stupid machine and phsych (sp?) myself up. (before I continue, know that Im doing this run in my Asics, NOT my newtons. Mainly becaues they say Newtons arent made for Treadmills and the benefits would be none....So I decided id try my gel landriths again... Which ive run in the 3yrs previous to this past month)
I literally hop on and start running. It was at a 10min pace so I quickly brough it down to 8min/mile... First thought? This is WAY uncomfortable and I bet I look like a RETARD. :( It felt SOOOO akward. I was trying to run on my forefoot and was but just couldnt get comfortable.
I literally quit after no more than 30seconds.
I got off the treadmill, packed my stuff and left.
To do what you ask?
Go home..put on my Newtons... and run for an hr. After my hr run in the sub 40degree temps I felt awesome. It didnt rain too hard and I felt that much stronger for suckin it up and getting it done.
I will never run in anything but Newtons ever again.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Turkey Trot Day...
There is nothing I look more forward to each year than the turkey trot. This year I ran w/ Scott and we took it super easy. Nice relaxed fun pace, which is always the case at this run :) I think last year I ran a 9:00 + pace and the year before that probably a 10min pace. Apparently they put me in the F20-24 age group! lmao. I guess 13th in that age group is better than 66th in mine :)
Trying to actually race that run is retarted.
If you're not Kenyan or your VO2max isnt 80+ you're not going to place :)
P.S.- I <3 my Newtons.
ONE quick rant :)
Im SOOO tired of people bitching about the trot course and saying its hard w/ "big" hills. There are no "big" hills... Maybe some slight inclines but seriously... :)
Go run IMLP and youll see hills <3
Rant over.
Trying to actually race that run is retarted.
If you're not Kenyan or your VO2max isnt 80+ you're not going to place :)
P.S.- I <3 my Newtons.
ONE quick rant :)
Im SOOO tired of people bitching about the trot course and saying its hard w/ "big" hills. There are no "big" hills... Maybe some slight inclines but seriously... :)
Go run IMLP and youll see hills <3
Rant over.
Tuesday (11.20.07)
Turkey trot thur.
Its supposed to be getting cold.
We'll find out tommorow when I go out for my 40 mile ride....
Turkey trot thur.
Its supposed to be getting cold.
We'll find out tommorow when I go out for my 40 mile ride....
Monday (11.19.07)
6.4 miles
7:50 + 7:49 + 7:45 + 7:33 + 7:23 + 7:05 + 2:38
Total Time:
500 FS
400 Pull
100 K
500 Paddle
(repeat all)
250 CD
I work out still I promise. :)
6.4 miles
7:50 + 7:49 + 7:45 + 7:33 + 7:23 + 7:05 + 2:38
Total Time:
500 FS
400 Pull
100 K
500 Paddle
(repeat all)
250 CD
I work out still I promise. :)
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Friday (11.09.07)
40.32 miles
Saddle time: 2:10:00
35.00 time: 1:57:05
Avg. Pace: 18.0 mph
Avg. Cad: N/A
Total Time:
Great workout today. Despite the fact that I cant walk I can still cycle like a mad man. Felt really strong and powered up the climbs. Felt good and relaxed thats nice. Got home and put the Newtons on for a 200m jog.... lol. <--- Bad Joke.... Im gonna stretch and what not tonight at work.
40.32 miles
Saddle time: 2:10:00
35.00 time: 1:57:05
Avg. Pace: 18.0 mph
Avg. Cad: N/A
Total Time:
Great workout today. Despite the fact that I cant walk I can still cycle like a mad man. Felt really strong and powered up the climbs. Felt good and relaxed thats nice. Got home and put the Newtons on for a 200m jog.... lol. <--- Bad Joke.... Im gonna stretch and what not tonight at work.
Thursday (11.08.07)
4 miles
7:29 + 7:13 + 7:10 + 6:46
Pace: 7:09/m
Total Time:
Went out with my first run in the Newtons. Stupid me thought Id do my first actual run w/ them with 6.4 miles... yea.. im retarted. Long story short.. I did four... and my calfs are gonna be sore for a few days... I can already tell. Definitly going to have to take some break in time just like people have told me. Definitly excited to get some runs in these shoes...
4 miles
7:29 + 7:13 + 7:10 + 6:46
Pace: 7:09/m
Total Time:
Went out with my first run in the Newtons. Stupid me thought Id do my first actual run w/ them with 6.4 miles... yea.. im retarted. Long story short.. I did four... and my calfs are gonna be sore for a few days... I can already tell. Definitly going to have to take some break in time just like people have told me. Definitly excited to get some runs in these shoes...
Wednesday (11.07.07)
39.38 miles
Saddle Time: 2:09:41
35.00 Time: 1:56:06
Avg. Pace: 18.2 mph
Avg. Cad: N/A
Total Time:
Yea. This was dangerous.... wait... maybe its the fact that the sun goes down at 3 thats dangerous. Anyways... almost died riding home in the dark. Ugh. I cant stand this time change.... Ok ride... Got my Newtons. When I got home put em on and drove down the road to give em a shot. Wow...
39.38 miles
Saddle Time: 2:09:41
35.00 Time: 1:56:06
Avg. Pace: 18.2 mph
Avg. Cad: N/A
Total Time:
Yea. This was dangerous.... wait... maybe its the fact that the sun goes down at 3 thats dangerous. Anyways... almost died riding home in the dark. Ugh. I cant stand this time change.... Ok ride... Got my Newtons. When I got home put em on and drove down the road to give em a shot. Wow...
Tuesday (11.06.07)
Cycle Sprints:
11:58 EZ WU
5:13 Sprint w/ 2:19 (22.77 mph)
5:01 Sprint w/ 2:29 (23.70 mph)
5:07 Sprint w/ 2:35 (23.00 mph)
4:50 Sprint (24.58 mph)
9:54 EZ CD
Total Time:
Once I got done I still needed to go down to Ovilla to vote against a few school bond issues. Switched out bikes and headed down to the fire station on a nice 2mile CD ride. Got there and found out it was the wrong place for me to vote :( None the less have to work tonight so no voting for me today... : - (
Also, I tried to pace myself on these sprints alot better today. Didnt feel like I was going to die when I was done so thats a plus. Trying to back off the speed just a bit and keep focusing on my base... But I dont want forget that hurt... So im still trying to throw in at least one "speed" session a week if you can even call it that...
11:58 EZ WU
5:13 Sprint w/ 2:19 (22.77 mph)
5:01 Sprint w/ 2:29 (23.70 mph)
5:07 Sprint w/ 2:35 (23.00 mph)
4:50 Sprint (24.58 mph)
9:54 EZ CD
Total Time:
Once I got done I still needed to go down to Ovilla to vote against a few school bond issues. Switched out bikes and headed down to the fire station on a nice 2mile CD ride. Got there and found out it was the wrong place for me to vote :( None the less have to work tonight so no voting for me today... : - (
Also, I tried to pace myself on these sprints alot better today. Didnt feel like I was going to die when I was done so thats a plus. Trying to back off the speed just a bit and keep focusing on my base... But I dont want forget that hurt... So im still trying to throw in at least one "speed" session a week if you can even call it that...
Monday, November 5, 2007
Monday (11.05.07)
8 miles
7:56 + 7:39 + 7:34 + 7:23 + 7:21 + 7:17 + 7:25 + 7:09
Pace: 7:28/m
Total Time:
1000 FS WU
500 X 3 FS w/ 100 K in between
50 CD
Basically that was a 1000 FS WU w/ 500 X 3 FS and 100 Ks in between each 500 except for the last one. Was a fun tough swim for me. John and Jane were there. Jane pulled out on the last 500 and just kicked. John was pushing the pace and that was nice... but tough. Tough is good.
The run was soooo much better than I was thinking it would be. Miles just kept getting easier and easier. The longer I ran the easier it got.
Newtons will be here WEDNESDAY!!!!
8 miles
7:56 + 7:39 + 7:34 + 7:23 + 7:21 + 7:17 + 7:25 + 7:09
Pace: 7:28/m
Total Time:
1000 FS WU
500 X 3 FS w/ 100 K in between
50 CD
Basically that was a 1000 FS WU w/ 500 X 3 FS and 100 Ks in between each 500 except for the last one. Was a fun tough swim for me. John and Jane were there. Jane pulled out on the last 500 and just kicked. John was pushing the pace and that was nice... but tough. Tough is good.
The run was soooo much better than I was thinking it would be. Miles just kept getting easier and easier. The longer I ran the easier it got.
Newtons will be here WEDNESDAY!!!!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Sunday (11.04.07)
50.19 miles
Saddle Time: 2:33:59
Avg. Pace: 19.8 mph
Avg. Cad: 77 rpm
Total Time:
Awesome ride. Two loops of 24 w/ a 2 mile CD. Second loop was a little faster than I should have gone. Was supposed to be wayyy easy, but I was feeling good so I just went w/ it. Overall, great day. Its always nice when 50 miles feels like 20. :)
IMFL 08'
50.19 miles
Saddle Time: 2:33:59
Avg. Pace: 19.8 mph
Avg. Cad: 77 rpm
Total Time:
Awesome ride. Two loops of 24 w/ a 2 mile CD. Second loop was a little faster than I should have gone. Was supposed to be wayyy easy, but I was feeling good so I just went w/ it. Overall, great day. Its always nice when 50 miles feels like 20. :)
IMFL 08'
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Saturday (11.03.07)
*** Day OFF ***
That was fun. Nice set. What was that? 7-8ish + days in a row. Feel like im getting stronger already. Just getting back in the mindset of training w/ a goal. If anyone ever wants to try and get focused... just register for an Ironman and see what happens... :)
On another note. IMFL was today. Id like to throw a congratulations out to my friend Tylers dad! A 10:36? How awesome. He took an hour off his first IM time. Congrats again to him. Now lets just hope for the roll down :)
So tommorow at noon registration opens for IMFL. This is the first IM im going to try and register for w/ the registration process and im not sure about how easy its going to be for me to get in.... Hopefully other people were discouraged into not driving down there to register so that way there will be more slots open online. **Rant time** I mean seriously. Who has the money to fly down to Florida JUST to register for a race???!?!? IRONMANS cost ENOUGH as is. I can understand NA sports position, but its starting to get out of control. Ive found a descrepency online as to what time it actually opens. Im going to go w/ 12noon race site time. Ill update tommorow w/ whether im racing IMFL next year or not. None the less... If I get into Kona at IMAZ i will be withdrawing from Florida... if I get in of course.Just registered for Lake Stevens 70.3. So that ones official.
So far for next year:
-Lake Stevens 70.3
That was fun. Nice set. What was that? 7-8ish + days in a row. Feel like im getting stronger already. Just getting back in the mindset of training w/ a goal. If anyone ever wants to try and get focused... just register for an Ironman and see what happens... :)
On another note. IMFL was today. Id like to throw a congratulations out to my friend Tylers dad! A 10:36? How awesome. He took an hour off his first IM time. Congrats again to him. Now lets just hope for the roll down :)
So tommorow at noon registration opens for IMFL. This is the first IM im going to try and register for w/ the registration process and im not sure about how easy its going to be for me to get in.... Hopefully other people were discouraged into not driving down there to register so that way there will be more slots open online. **Rant time** I mean seriously. Who has the money to fly down to Florida JUST to register for a race???!?!? IRONMANS cost ENOUGH as is. I can understand NA sports position, but its starting to get out of control. Ive found a descrepency online as to what time it actually opens. Im going to go w/ 12noon race site time. Ill update tommorow w/ whether im racing IMFL next year or not. None the less... If I get into Kona at IMAZ i will be withdrawing from Florida... if I get in of course.Just registered for Lake Stevens 70.3. So that ones official.
So far for next year:
-Lake Stevens 70.3
I was just googling IMFL. Heres a photo that came up. One of my favorite IM photos ever. For some reason its very motivating to me...

Friday (11.02.07)
Bike 1 -> 30:59 (19.37 mph)
T1 -> 1:30
Run 1 -> 7:56 + 7:52 = 15:48 (7:54/m)
T2 -> 1:38
Bike 2 -> 30:01 (19.99 mph)
T3 -> 2:07
Run 2 -> 7:39 + 7:30 = 15:09 (7:34/m)
T4 -> 1:43
Bike 3 -> 28:30 (21.05 mph)
T5 -> 1:38
Run 3 -> 7:31 + 7:16 = 14:47 (7:23/m)
Total Time:
Details later. Gotta work :)
So. Woke up and thought of a hundred reasons not to workout today. Then I remembered I have tommorow off :) Total recovery. So I got out there and got it done. First 10 miles took awhile to get going but the runs felt fantastic. I feel so strong running right now. Everytime Im out there doing this 2+ hr workouts I doubt myself and wonder if im starting too early. it just feels weird training at these kind of speeds w/ this volume this "late" in the year.... I need to keep in mind that IMAZ is literally only 5.5 months away.... Nice... easy... longer miles. 50 plus mile ride sunday. Im excited :)
Bike 1 -> 30:59 (19.37 mph)
T1 -> 1:30
Run 1 -> 7:56 + 7:52 = 15:48 (7:54/m)
T2 -> 1:38
Bike 2 -> 30:01 (19.99 mph)
T3 -> 2:07
Run 2 -> 7:39 + 7:30 = 15:09 (7:34/m)
T4 -> 1:43
Bike 3 -> 28:30 (21.05 mph)
T5 -> 1:38
Run 3 -> 7:31 + 7:16 = 14:47 (7:23/m)
Total Time:
Details later. Gotta work :)
So. Woke up and thought of a hundred reasons not to workout today. Then I remembered I have tommorow off :) Total recovery. So I got out there and got it done. First 10 miles took awhile to get going but the runs felt fantastic. I feel so strong running right now. Everytime Im out there doing this 2+ hr workouts I doubt myself and wonder if im starting too early. it just feels weird training at these kind of speeds w/ this volume this "late" in the year.... I need to keep in mind that IMAZ is literally only 5.5 months away.... Nice... easy... longer miles. 50 plus mile ride sunday. Im excited :)
Friday, November 2, 2007
Thursday (11.01.07)
6.4 miles
8:37 + 8:37 + 8:22 + 9:55 + 8:59 + 9:08 + 3:45
Pace: 8:58/m
Total Time:
Haha. Ran w/ LA. The 9:55 isnt legit. I waited for her at mile 4.... Didnt stop the watch. Mile 6 should have been faster.....
Who just finished their schedule for November??!?!
6.4 miles
8:37 + 8:37 + 8:22 + 9:55 + 8:59 + 9:08 + 3:45
Pace: 8:58/m
Total Time:
Haha. Ran w/ LA. The 9:55 isnt legit. I waited for her at mile 4.... Didnt stop the watch. Mile 6 should have been faster.....
Who just finished their schedule for November??!?!
Wednesday (10.31.07)
40.32 miles
Saddle Time: 2:14:11
35 mile split: 1:56:56
Avg. Speed: 18.5 mph
Avg. Cad: N/A
Total Time:
35 mile hill route basically with a 5 mile CD. Weather was perfect. Started the ride and felt kinda odd. Just wasnt into the ride all that much. Got out to the hills around 11 and started feeling much better. When I got back to the house went out for 5 easy miles. First 40miler in a while and I had a blast. Going to throw in a 50 miler next week and really start cranking up those long miles mid Nov.
40.32 miles
Saddle Time: 2:14:11
35 mile split: 1:56:56
Avg. Speed: 18.5 mph
Avg. Cad: N/A
Total Time:
35 mile hill route basically with a 5 mile CD. Weather was perfect. Started the ride and felt kinda odd. Just wasnt into the ride all that much. Got out to the hills around 11 and started feeling much better. When I got back to the house went out for 5 easy miles. First 40miler in a while and I had a blast. Going to throw in a 50 miler next week and really start cranking up those long miles mid Nov.
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