Sunday, February 18, 2007

TMS Duathlon (2.18.07)

TMS Duathlon

2 mile run -> 10:23 (pace: 5:46)
T1 -> 22 seconds
15 mile bike -> 42:16 (avg: 23.1mph)
T2-> 22.6 seconds
2 mile run -> 11:29 (pace: 6:22)
Total Time: 1:04:54

1st AG

Man... Great great race. Couldnt be any happier. The run course was a little short. Something like 1.95 miles. The bike was a little long.. Im hoping closer to 16miles beause I did my pace avg. on a converter online and it seems a little slower than I wanted... Something like 21.8 i think.. Ill check in a bit. Aaron was 2nd age group and something like 14th overall. . I dont think those paces are accurate... but we were probably runing a sub 6 pace... Ill give a total race report in a bit. Probably later tonight.

Race Report:
Pre race: spent the night w/ Scott so i woke up and had some Peanut Butter toast and H20. Stopped by a gas station on the way and I got some Rain Gatorade. Put some of that into my bottle on the bike. Got to TMS and damn.. it was cold. Scotts van read 26. Got there and put my bike in transition. Team Ironhead had fucking bad ass transition spots... So couldnt have been any happier about that. I felt like I messed around alot. Should have taken all my hear straight to transition and started setting things up. I would have liked to have more time to stretch and warm up.

Run 1: Run started right outside the mini-track inside of TMS. Jack started race and we were off. Hung right near the top. Top 6 or 7. A small group jumped ahead and I hung w/ the group right behind them. That front group slowly fell apart and we caught all of em but 2. Run was DAMN fast. 5:19 pace. Way faster than I planned. But it worked out well. Got to T1 in 6th, left T1 in 2nd place!

Bike: Got outside T1 and started pedaling. I got outside of TMS and I see a guy infront of me and next to him is a motorcycle. I thought they were refs. NO. It was the freaking PACE cycle. So, I was in second place! I really thought I was starting to catch him on the first lap but I started to fall back on the second. Got passed by two people and that was that. Course was smooth smooth smooth. Bike was good. Probably didnt drink enought but that was ok. Had 2 gels and they were hard because it was so cold. Taped both gels to my frame and that worked out REALLY well. Will continue to do that. :D 3rd loop pulled back into TMS and up into T2. Riding up to T2 my feet were already on top of my shoes ready to go. Dismounted racked bike, helmet off, Shoes on, and I was on my way. 22 SECOND T2!

Run 2: Run two was a little lonely. Started out and thought I may have had a chance to catch the guy infront of me, but just couldnt pull it off. I didnt pass anyone nor get passed so it was a solid run. 5:53 pace :D While I was running I could see Aaron on the complete other side of the course so that was cool. I knew I had him and it felt good. Crossed the finish line 4th in my wave.. 5th overall after calculating everything.

Post Race: Ran into JEFFO! after the race. He had come all the way out just to watch us race. I thought that was really cool and appreciated it alot. Ran into Scott right after he finished and had an awesome time :D Saw aaron finish and that felt good as well. Overall, felt good after the race. Stretched a bit before awards and drank plenty afterwards.

Overall it was a super kick ass day and I couldnt be any happier w/ my results. Thats exactly what I wanted and I got it. I honestly think thats one of the first races ive ever been COMPLETELY satisfied w/. It feels good.

Weekly Mileage:
Bike: 25.5miles
Run: 8miles
Swim: 1835meters


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