Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Monday (5.21.07)
Well. A day off. Felt pretty good. Didnt do much of anything. Slept, Ate, Slept, Ate. Etc. Actually had time to wash my car for the first time in probably 6 months +.
Monday, May 21, 2007
5K Open Water Swim (5.20.07)
5000 m
Pace: 1:38/m
Time: 1:21:18:85
8th Overall of 32
1st AG of 1
9.42 miles
Pace: 9:01
Time: 1:25:00
Total Time:
Man, Wasnt really the brick I wanted. I really needed to transistion alot faster and get started on that run, but it took a little while for awards to start. Was at least 30min until we got to start running.
The swim was an absolute blast. I thought it would be really difficult to focus for that long in water but it wasnt. My miles were really tickin away and that was nice. I was able to push that last lap and felt like it was probably my fastest. The water was great. Really really clean. Turns out the race WAS wetsuit legal. Little dissapointing to me because I really would have liked to race it w/o wetsuits. I figure my time would have been reasonably slower w/o a wetsuit.
We started the run and I felt a little sluggish. We found this really really cool trail to rundown and really started feeling better. The run was gorgeous. ALOT OF CLIMBING. But I figure thats a good thing. Did 30minutes in one direction and back then did 15 and 15 for a total of about 1:25. Got towards the end and was fairly fatigued but still felt good. :D Sydneys Garmin has the elevation change and she says it was brutal. ha. Her Garmin also states we ran an 8 pace. I dont think thats right.... I did my pace calculations using her distance and our final time of 1:25:00 and the pace calculated out to even 9s. :-)

Weeks Workouts:
Mon - OFF
Tues - BRICK (10-2-10-2-10-2) --> Last 2 miles in Race Flats.
Wed - RUN 1hr (~8miles)
Thur - SWIM speed (500WU, 100-100-50, 500 paddle, 100-100-50, 250CD)
Fri - RUN track (800WU, 400X4 @ 1:15, 200X2 @ :35, 800CD)
Sat - BIKE 1hr (EZ)
Sun - OFF
Mon - RACE
Friday (5.19.07)
80.41 miles
Pace: 19.1 mph
Saddle Time: 4:12:34
Time: ~4:45:00
T1 -> 10:00
5.5 miles
Pace: 8:10/m
Time: 45:00
Total Time:
Outstanding workout today. Couldnt ask for anymore. The bike was smooth, long, and easy going. It was nice looking down and seeing that avg. after 50miles. I held it the rest the way home and never broke. I rode down to Cedar Hill, down Lake Ridge across the lake and headed to Venus, out to Maypearl, up to Wax, and then straight back to Ovilla. Did my TT course to complete the 80miles.
I started my run after my 10min transition. Ha. But that was cool. Had to change and what not. Started the run and felt pretty good. Ive been running w/ an H20 bottle and MAN does it help!! Its great. Im able to hydrate and it keeps me going strong. Wanted to do 45mins and thats exactly what I did. felt great.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Friday (5.18.07)
800 WU -> 4:01
800 X 1 @ 2:37 w/ 2:00
400 X 4 @ 1:16 + 1:16 + 1:15 + 1:16 w/ 1:30
200 X 4 @ :34 + :35 + :34 + :33 w/ 1:00
800 CD -> 4:34
Total Time:
Was a fun workout today. NICE AND SHORT! Of course very fast. I wish the 400s had been fast but I cant really get much more consistent than that all the way across the board. The 800 was moving, but the 200s were REALLY moving. Relay For Life people were out on the track so that made it a bit difficult at times. Worked around em. :D
Thursday (5.17.07)
Bike 1 -> 28:33
T1 -> 1:33
Run 1 -> 7:37 + 7:15
T2 -> 1:12
Bike 2 -> 58:29
T3 -> 2:05
Run 2 -> 7:29 + 7:25 + 7:12 + 6:44
T4 -> 2:56
Bike 3 -> 10:38
Total Time:
Yea. This workout really started good. Felt great most the day, but had a seat issue at the end of the 20 bike and that was bad. Had to stop for probably 10min and wait on john to bring me some tools. Was nice of him to bring them. The 4 mile run went great but then on the last 10mile bike my seat rattled loose again. Somewhat discomforting. After that I was ready to call it a day. Was frustrated and wasnt feeling too good. Possible I shouldnt have pushed that 6:44 in the heat?
Wednesday (5.16.07)
500 WU/Pull -> 4:37 + 4:29 w/ :35
100 Sprint -> 1:25 w/ :50
100 Sprint -> 1:26 w/ :30
50 EZ Swim -> 1:01 w/ :45
500 Paddle -> 4:33 + 4:13 w/ :49
100 Sprint -> 1:26 w/ :47
100 Sprint -> 1:26 w/ :24
50 EZ Swim -> 1:00 w/ :41
250 CD/Pull -> 4:18
Total Time:
32.51 Miles
Pace -> 18.1 mph
Avg. Cad. -> 77
Time: 1:48
T1 -> 2:46
~1.5 Miles
Time: 10:01
Total Time:
Ride was all hills except for the straight on Lake Ridge. Was pretty good. Got a little tired but may have been because I hadnt done that many hills in a while. The swim was good as well. Not great, but good. Run after the bike felt great. I keep feeling stronger and stronger after my rides and thats a great feeling. :D
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Tuesday (5.15.07)
15.80 miles
Pace: 7:58 (not including CD)
15.80 -> 8:28 + 8:13 + 8:04 + 7:59 + 7:41 + 7:34 + 3:09 + 8:18 + 8:11 + 7:52 + 7:56 +
7:33 + 7:33 + 3:06 + 8:23 + 7:48 + 9:19 (cd) = 2:07:17
Total Time:
First way long run of the year. Was looking to run for 2hrs and thats what I did. Felt great. Couldnt have expected anymore. Just wore my tri brief and it worked out well. It was warm so I took a water bottle w/ me. When it got low enough around mile 3 I could just stick it in the back of my shorts and it would stay right there. Was really cool. Did 6.4 X 2 plus 1 X 2 plus .5 X 2. I didnt start hurting till around mile 14-15. It wasnt really hurting... just lactic acid burn. Something I know how to fight through. :) Good solid workout. Definitly happy w/ it.
Possible workouts for the rest of the week:
Mon - Off
Tues - 16 mile RUN
Wed - Speed SWIM (1750m) / 40mile BIKE (Hills) w/ 20min RUN
(500 WU, 100 Sprint, 100 Sprint , 50 EZ, 500 Paddle, 100 Sprint, 100 Sprint, 50 EZ)
Thur - BRICK (10-2-10-2-10-2-10-2) / SWIM 2750m
(500 WU, 750 Swim, 500 Paddle, 750 Swim, 250 CD)
Fri - TRACK RUN (1600WU/800X1/400X4/200X4/1600CD) / WEIGHTS
Sat - 80 BIKE w/ 45min RUN
Sund - 5000 SWIM w/ 1.5hr RUN / BIKE 1.5hr if possible
-ALL OF THIS WILL HAPPEN, except possibly the bike on sunday. I may do that w/ Syd. But I would really lke to get a few more cycling miles i before I taper REALLY REALLY hard for CapTex. The volume is here. And me gusta mucho. :D
Monday (5.14.07)
Odd feeling doing nothing today! But was really nice. Cant complain about sitting around, sleeping in, eating, and sleeping some more.
:D :D :D
Sunday (5.13.07)
98.87 miles
Pace: 18.14 mph
Time: 5:27:59 (saddle time)
T1-> 20:00 (raining)
4.4 miles
Pace: 9:30/m (not sure if thats correct)
Time: 41:45
Total Time:
Whew. What a full day. Met Scott at Benbrook YMCA after the kids tri that morning. Scott thought the route would be 85-90 miles. Apparently it was 98 :D Anyways, we started the ride and got outside the park, and I had a flat! First flat in forever. After that the ride got a little better. It started warming up and that was nice. I enjoy the heat. We rode out to the weatherford area. At one point we were in the middle of NOWHERE! Ran out of H20. Got pretty bad for awhile but we grabbed some water in weatherford on the way back. We picked a route to head back on and took it. Was really nice. Pretty scenic. Not too many climbs. Scott and I raced a few city signs and county limits. Was nice. Headed back to the lake just in time. We were about 3miles out and it was thundering and lighting constantly. We pulled into the Y parking lot and sat underneath the awning in front while it poured. Were probably sitting there for about 20min. Wished that hadnt happened but hey, what can we do?
I loaded the bike up and we started the run. We both felt great. I had no complaints. We had some H20 w/ us and I carried a little bottle. When I wasnt running w/ it I just stuck it in my shorts in the back. Worked out really well. We finished strong and w/ negative splits. Couldnt have asked for too much more. :)
Im not really sure if the run pace is accurate because scott clocked one of our miles at around 7:30.
Bike Course:
Monday, May 14, 2007
Saturday (5.12.07)
15K TT -> ~25:00
Also left my splits at home for this workout. I know i know....
7miles w/ 400 sprint
7.5miles -> 1:00:28
400-> 1:05 (NEW PR!)
400-> CD
Ran 7 miles w/ Syd at Katy Trail. Had just gotten new shoes so I ran the 7 in my landreths and then put on my new flats to do a 400. PRd! for the 400 in 65 seconds. Then jogged 400 back for a CD. Probably not adequate. Ha.
Friday (5.11.07)
Im at work and dont have splits w/ me right now. None the less, I lost my watch at the MM concert and got a new one saturday. Had to do my TT Sat. w/ my HH monitor. :(
Friday, May 11, 2007
Thursday (5.10.07)
60 miles
T1-> ~5:00
4 miles -> 7:45 + 7:35 + 7:45 + 7:15
Pace: ~7:45ish
Total Time:
Man, I really wish I had my actual splits. Those are REALLY close. Not totally sure about the mile splits on the run. Why do you ask? Well i went to a show last night and we had PIT tickets. I ended up losing my watch (of course my favorite watch ever) and it had my run splits on it. Thats the most depressing part about it.
Other than that the workout went great! First ACTUAL ride w/ the new bike. Im still in awe of how great this ride is. I couldnt ask for anymore!! Smooth, light, stiff, and looks great. Im not having too many problems as of right now. The saddle may be a little too hard... not sure yet. Didnt really get uncomfortable till around mile 50... but thats normal. Jeff went and put a roadie saddle on there. I may invest in another tri specific saddle. Just not one that weighs as much as my old Prof. Design one. I dont have any H20 racks on the frame yet so I was carrying my nutrition in my jersey. ha. So I had to swing by the house every 20miles to get a new bottle. Was pretty warm overall. Fairly humid on the bike. After 3hrs of cycling I started my run and fetl really really good. But of course it started kicking in around mile 3. It also started raining slightly. REALLY fat drops. It was raining pretty hard but I wasnt really that wet?!?! strange? It was odd. After that it was damn humid for the last two miles. To be honest I could have kept that pace for another 13 miles but it would have hurt. :- /
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Wednesday (5.9.07)
~14 miles
No defined time.
500 WU/Pull -> 4:22 + 4:21 w/ :44 R
500 Paddle -> 4:14 + 4:10 w/ :42 R
500 Swim -> 4:22 + 4:25 w/ :45 R
500 Pull -> 4:11 + 4:14 w/ :35 R
250 Paddle -> 4:15
Total Time:
Obviously another improvised workout today. The theme for the week is "Switching it up"... ha. But not really. :-/ The bike was w/ the UTA "tri" team. Was pointless and rediculous. Total waste of time. I shouldnt even count the miles.
The swim was great. Was a little tired to start but the 500 swim went really well. My form and technique felt really strong.
Still need to get a new computer for the Lucero and a cassette for my Syriums.
Tuesday (5.8.07)
10.4 miles
10.4 miles -> 8:00 + 7:40 + 7:32 + 7:31 + 7:27 + 7:42 + 3:04 + 8:23 + 8:16 + 7:34 + 7:12 = 1:20:26 (pace:7:44/m)
Man it was way hot today. Schedule is remaining pretty wack and not what I had originally planned. Was supposed to do AT LEAST 3500m swim yesterday and 12 on Wed. None the less the run could only be this long because I still had to fit for my bike @ B&B plus im taking John out for his birthday tonight. Other than that the run was pretty descent. Wanted to run my "EZ" pace which ive decided is 7:30s. Did a decent job of that till the last four miles. Still DONT know why 7-8 are always so much slower. uphill?
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday (5.7.07)
500 paddle -> 4:12 + 4:11 w/ :29 R
500 pull -> 4:20 + 4:17 w/ :36 R
500 paddle -> 4:08 + 4:09
Total Time:
Bah. Nice little swim. Wasnt planned but LA called me and said she was swimming. Wanted to actually swim w/ my new goggles so I went. LOVED those new nike goggles! Totally rocked. Wish I could have done at least 1750m. But my time was up and kids were getting in the water. Sucks I didnt get a cool down.
Benbrook Sprint Triathlon
300y - 13.8 - 5K
Swim 300y -> 4:26 (1:36/y)
T1 -> 39.7
Bike 13.8 -> 36:57 (22.4 mph)
T2 -> 40.9
Run 5K -> 20:28 (6:35/m)
Total Time: 1:03:12
4th Overall Day 2 of 200
8th Overall both days combined of 435
1st AG of 20
Man. Really solid race. To be completely honest a bit dissapointed with my run split but man it was windy. The whole day the wind just kept pushing back. Was really satisfied w/ my bike split. Still wish I had beat Aaron :D Took fourth overall that day and missed 3rd by ONE SECOND!! :( Was my first pool swim so im still pretty satisfied. The swim wasnt too bad. I actually had one of the better swim splits.
We all came in through the front door of the Y. We lined up in our numbered order and I was 21st. We went off every 10 seconds. I had gotten new goggles the day before so I was still a bit nervous about using them. I had jumped in the pool earlier that morning to warm up and try the goggles. Felt really good w/ them earlier.
So ester counted me off and I jumped in. Had already practiced this so I was ready. I jumped and then pushed off the wall unlike everyone else who just jumped in w/ no clue :-/ We had to come back in the same lane that we jumped in and that was a bit nerve wrecking. I flip turned under most the lanes and flip turned off every wall at the ends of the pool. Passed the guy in front of me after almost swimming into him. I kept touching his feet and I thought he was gonna let me pass... Well.. He didnt. I went to flip turn under the rope and almost bashed his face. He kept going right in front of me so I passed him 3 lanes into the swim. Someone was coming the other direction so I went totally sideways and squeezed between everyone. From there on it was smooth sailing. Hit the ladder and I was out. Goggles were off by the time my feet were running. Came outside the building and heard Aaron shout my name. Was cool hearing the arch-rival throw a little support. At some point I heard Sydney saying something.
Almost slipped coming into T1. Found my rack right away, helmet on and was off. Halfway through transition I hear someone shout #! I had just realized what they meant because I heard this funny sound. I looked down and my number was rubbing my disk. Apparently I had forgotten to put my number on! ha. Got it on and I was off. Good mount. First race sockless. Felt great.
13.8 mile bike. Got into my shoes and was off. My mount was great. Really smooth. I had my sunglasses on and it was a bit dark. Right out of transition I wasnt too sure where the course was going. I just followed the person in front of me. First thing I noticed was how damn windy it was. About 1-2 miles into the ride I had already passed two people. Turned out to be the only people I would pass. No one passed me on the bike. Rode by the lake most the time. Roads were pretty decent. We got to im guessing mile 7ish and went up a pretty nice hill. Not much of a hill to me. :D Stayed in the big chain ring and got to the top to pass someone else. Hit the turn around and went back up the other side of the hill. I thought I could pass the people in front of me but apparently they were cranking away. Never caught anyone else. Had a pretty good bike on the way back. Almost got knocked off my bike a few times cause it was so damn windy! Going 40+ mph downhill w/ a sidewind was crazy. I took my feet out a bit too early coming into transition. :( Probably would have taken 3rd if I wouldnt have done that. Came into transition, dismounted really smoothly and was off.
T2 was semi-rough. Like I said was my first race w/o socks and had a bit of trouble getting my shoes on... but I had practiced the night before and was slightly expecting it. :-/ Forgot my visor, but kept my sunglasses on.
Started the run and felt a little crappy. Took me a bit to find myself. Came out of the parking lot and decided to pull my sunglasses up. Was too dark. Took a right onto this one road and could see someone a ways up infront of me. I made it my personal goal to catch them. At about mile 1 I thought I would catch this one guy. Grabbed some water at the aid station and kept moving. No nutrition the entire race except for eccelerade on the bike. Which I almost threw up by the way. Ha. We hit this straight away by this damn. We came all the way to the end and had to turn around. So when we turned around I got a pretty good idea of how close I was to cathing this guy. It was then I realized I could catch the guy infront of him. Was feeling alot better by this point. We turned around and came back onto that straight away. I saw the guy look behind him and I knew I would then catch him. He accelerated to try and get away. Held it pretty good but I finally got him. We were now seeing people coming the other direction and saw aaron. Came back by the aid station and had to go down to another turn around. I could now see the other guy up a ways. He was apparently cramping pretty bad cause I saw him walking a bit earlier. We turned around and I was coming up on him. Finally on the last climb w/ less than .5 to go I took him. Came up the small incline and headed past mile 3. Came into the parking lot and made a nice sprint to the finish. At about mile 2 I realized my shoes were rubbing pretty bad on my heel. Didnt feel too good. :-/
Post Race:
Sydney and her friend were waiting at the finish line. Said hey to them and talked to friends that had finished. Was Aaron and Rick come in. Both looked strong. Talked to Jason a bit. He had a solid race. Results got posted and thats when I realized Rick beat me by 1 second! Ahhhh!! That stupid choice to get out of my shoes early. None the less... I grabbed some Endurox and waited for awards. Turns out that Tyler and Aaron raced both days and I took them both in the AG awards. 1st AG of 20 :D Pretty satisfied w/ that. A win is a win.
After the raced I dropped my bike w/ disk off at B&B. Got my QR lucero in and they're putting it together right now. Gonna get to get fitted on Tues. Hopefully get a nice little ride in and find a comfortable position. Pictures soon to come. :D
"A win is a win"

Sunday, May 6, 2007
Saturday (5.5.07)
Went and got my packet today. Picked up some new goggles and got everything packed for tommorow.
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Friday (4.4.07)
250 WU -> 3:52 w/ :40 R
750 Swim -> 3:58 + 3:56 + 3:46 w/ :31 R
250 Paddle -> 3:59 w/ :11 R
250 CD -> 4:10
Total Time:
Well.. This swim was planned. Originally as a 2000y swim and I had a EZ! 4 miler planned. Hmph. Both were edited.. Ha. The 4miler didnt even happen.. BUT! on the other hand... I could have, just didnt feel like it because I didnt want to over do myself b4 benbrook. I felt really good and solid in the pool. Why mess that up? Hopefully it pays off on Sunday :D
Possible Workouts:
-Swim 3500m/y
-Run 12miles
-60 Bike
-4 mile Run/30min
-Swim 3000m/y
-Track WO
-TT Bike
Thursday (4.3.07)
10mile TT
Track Run:
1600 WU -> 7:32
400 X 4 -> 1:18 + 1:17 + 1:13 + 1:14 w/ 1:30 R
200 X 4 -> :37 + :35 + :39 + :34 w/ 1:00 R
1600 CD -> 7:59
Total Time:
Another good day of workouts. Nothing way exciting. Had a strong bike... and a descent track run. Ive had bettter. :( But other than that benbrook is getting close and im ready to race :)
Wednesday (5.2.07)
500 WU -> 3:58 + 3:58 w/ :32 R
100 Sprint -> 1:18 w/ :44 R
100 Sprint -> 1:15 w/ :40 R
50 EZ -> :49 w/ :50 R
500 Paddle -> 3:50 + 3:50 w/ :31 R
100 Sprint -> 1:16 w/ :44 R
100 Sprint -> 1:15 w/ :31 R
50 EZ -> :51 w/ :28 R
250 CD -> 4:57
Total Time:
Another great swim. Im really starting to appreciate these speed workouts. They hurt and hurt but I think they really help in the long run. Another great workout. :)
I had a 4mile EZ run planned but just wasnt feeling it. Having some pain just below my right knee.... Nothing new of course. Think it was a good choice.
Tuesday (5.1.07)
~50 miles w/ hills
Track Run:
800 WU
800 X 1 @ 2:44 w/ 2:00 R
400 X 4 @ 1:18 + 1:15 + 1:16 + 1:16 w/ 1:30 R
200 X 4 @ :37 + :37 + :36 + :35 w/ 1:00 R
800 CD
Total Time:
Awesome Track Run!!!! Man.. thats even after cycling for 2.5 hrs. :) Really phsyched and excited about that run. That was the first time ive tried doing an 800 and that was my EXACT goal time! Really was happy w/ that. The bike went well. Stopped a few too many times. Talked to mom and stuff like that. Had to go watch the mavs game so Had to shower and get out fast :D
Monday (4.30.07)
Run 1 -> 8:20 + 7:51
T1 -> 1:35
Bike 1 -> 27:19
T2 -> 1:43
Run 2 -> 6:31 + 9:00
Total Time:
I dont think this is exactly what I had planned today, but school and whatnot has seriously gotten in the way. A bunch of stuff is still left for me to do because Finals are next week :( Jebus.
Sunday (4.29.07)
Whew. After all that yesterday Im gonna take today off and try to recover. Come back and have some good workouts this week. Well just have to wait and see what actually happens. :D